Duffield baptism 1755 Flaxley (General)

by unknown, Monday, March 16, 2009, 04:56 (5833 days ago) @ wyerunner

Thanks very much for your helpful reply about Duffield and his parents.

I think I may now have found two of Abigail Duffield's sisters but I cannot find their baptisms either.

When Abigail Duffield married Abraham Yemm at Walford in 1785, one of the witnesses was Ann Woor. Ann Woore (nee Duffield) was the wife of Thomas Woore and they married at Walford in 1781. One of the witnesses to Ann's marriage was Mary Overton and I then found a marriage for Mary Duffield to William Overton at Walford in 1779 (Ann Duffield was one of the witnesses).

Do either Mary or Ann Duffield appear on your database? I also noticed that there was a Charles and Abigail Duffield who had two of their children baptised at Walford in the early 1700's so I wondered if there was a connection there also. Abigail was buried at Flaxley in 1742. Interestingly the son baptised at Walford in 1717 was called Charles so I am wondering if he might be the Charles you mentioned who was the father of Duffield since there seems to be a Flaxley connection.

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