Isaac COLLINS bap 1858 in Lydbrook -Prior Thread (General)

by m p griffiths @, Saturday, April 04, 2009, 23:01 (5813 days ago) @ slowhands

Re: James COLLINS 1822 - East HANNEY -

I do have x Grandparents from East/West Hanney - it was a very poor Agricultural Community - and my ancestors dates/ages vary on census returns and birth/marriages certificates.

HANNEY HISTORY GROUP produces a booklet called - Late Victorian Hanney - an Agricultural Community - and the section of HANNEY SCHOOL shows just how uneducated the people were. So remembering/writing down dates would have been a real task.

'Richard BELCHER in his will of 1713 gave lands in East Hanney the rent of which was to be used to buy bread for the poor and to pay for the teaching of reading to the children of the poor in East and West Hanney.

In 1819 7 pounds of the Annual Rental of 26 pounds was being used to teach eleven boys and girls to read.

The Trustees of the Charity always seemed more inclined to spend the rental income on bread for the poor rather than their education.'

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