Family Tree Maker 2009 (General)

by jimashton @, Tuesday, April 07, 2009, 03:13 (5811 days ago) @ kateJ


I can assure you that FTM2008 does work with Vista. My introduction to Vista April 2008 was not good and I discovered that programs that do not work with Vista can cause considerable problems with other programs, in particular Nero - it is strongly advisable to NOT use any version before version 8. Similarly Adobe photoshop will not work properly with any version before CS3 and Adobe Photoshop Elements before version 6, also Paint Shop Pro before version X. As I thought I knew better I had tried each of these programs, the net result was that I had to reformat my hard drive and start over. The major problem however concerned virus scanner and I had to delete the paid for version of MacAfee and instal the Free AVG. Subsequently, 3 of my friends have received similar advice, including that from professional PC repair staff - with Vista ditch Norton & MacAfee and instal AVG free.

Initially with Vista I was unable to use my favoured Generations V8.5 family tree software and had assumed that it was another Vista casualty, but by studying Forums, I discovered this fix, which made it work. Although you are concerned with FTM not Generations, it is quite possible that the suggested solution will work as it is concerned with programs being activated at start up conflicting with other programs. It is complicated however, and if you are not "Good" with sorting PC problems,you might want to seek help first :

Generations Disappearing Data Syndrome

Attached is the solution to the problem that you are experiencing. The problem can affect any version of Generations on any version of Windows. The solution is 100% effective.
This is an easy to follow step by step summary of the more detailed information that follows below.
1. Close Generations.
2. Click on your Start button.
3. Click on Run. (For users of Windows Vista, EITHER click Start, and type msconfig in the Start Search box OR click Start, Administration Tools, System Config).
4. Type msconfig in the box and click on OK.
5. Click on the Startup tab. This displays a list of some of the programs that are automatically loaded every time that you start Windows. One of more of the programs in that list is conflicting with Generations. We will now identify which program(s) is the culprit.
6. Make a note of any programs in the list that does not have a tick.
7. Click on the Disable All button, click on Apply and click on OK (or
8. Allow the computer to automatically restart.
9. When the computer has restarted you may see a System Configuration Utility message. Simply tick (check) the box to say that you don't want to see the message again, and click on OK.
10. Check that the problem in Generations no longer occurs. Close Generations.
11. Repeat steps 2 to 5, and retick one program (or a block of programs) in the list. Click on Apply and OK. Allow the computer to reboot. Check Generations to see if the problem has returned or not.
12. Repeat as necessary until you have identified which program(s) is conflicting with Generations. Untick the culprit(s) and retick all the others (except for any that were originally unticked). Apply, OK, reboot. The problem is now solved!

13. Please note that the culprit(s) might be any program, not just
those listed below.
14. The culprit is very likely to be a program that does not need to be running all the time and it is therefore not necessary for it to be loaded every time that you start your computer. A common example is OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software that automatically gets installed along with your scanner driver. Most people never use OCR so it would be a good idea to untick this item anyway so that it does not slow down the computer. It is easy to manually start any unticked program if you ever need to use it (Start button > All Programs).

Good Luck


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