The 100 year rule and Census (General)

by fredb @, Monday, April 20, 2009, 00:08 (5798 days ago)

This is just me having a moan. I can't be the only one trying to move forward from 1901 (waiting for Wales 1911) I want to find out where people went. I've trawled through BMD records but often nothing is obvious, and seeing a census from the period before the War would really help me clear up the void that exists. There's nobody alive to ask, and I won't be around when these census become available.
I have no idea why the 100 year rule exists for census, I can legally get copies of birth certificates etc of anyone from 1837 on,almost up to the present day, dates of birth, fathers name and occupation, mothers maiden name, their address, and that's all you can see on any census
Joe Bloggs age 40, day dreamer, born somewhere
Mary bloggs, age 39, day dreamers wife, born somewhere else
And possibly a list of little day dreamers all living at No 10 Dream Street, Happytown.

Just what is so top secret about a census? An illigitimate child is commonplace in all census, so what information is seen as sensitive? When in this day and age it appears some people can access your medical records and bank details without too much trouble. Does anyone know if this rule has ever been challenged? Is it possible to go to a county records office and see more recent census details, I imagine the answer is no or I wouldn't be moaning

I'll stop moaning now, cheers Fred

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