Thomas Bennett c1748 (General)

by stephenmiller @, Monday, April 27, 2009, 08:31 (5790 days ago) @ jimashton

Thanks for your help once again Jim!

I am now totally confused! say that you have the father of Thomas Bennett as James Bennett baptised 1707 who married Elizabeth/Betty Hazel 1740 st.mary de lode........but on our previous thread (elizabeth bennett 1740)we discussed as not yet finding a baptism !Grahamdavison said that he has him down as having a mother Mary....and also at age 22 when he married - the dates given in the thread do not tie in with mother Mary or 1707 baptism( parents Richard and margaret).........we also had james dying in this correct - these Bennetts are driving me mad!What do you think Jim - nothing seems to add up!

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