Ann Webb and David Probert married 1734 Walford (General)

by andrew walford, Thursday, April 30, 2009, 13:50 (5787 days ago) @ stephenmiller

Stephen, I haven't looked at the webbs, it seems there were alot of them in Walford. Daniel alone is one of three possibles, 1670 to James and Joan, 1672 to Richard and Joan or 1676 to John and Ann.
Owing to the fact that Daniel Webb and Joan Collier named their second son Richard, 1672 seems possible but without looking at it in more detail I can't be sure.
As for Joan Collier there are two possibles one to a Ralph, the other Edmund. But Daniel and Joan didn't name any of their sons Ralph or Edmund so i'm not sure.
I did notice that a Joan Webb died in Jan 1704 and it looks like Daniel then married a Margaret Webb (widow) in April 1704, although it doesn't state he was a widower, it does say Daniel senior. Just to confuse things a Daniel Junior was married in 1703 to Sarah Smith (Daniel Webb and Joan Collier's son Daniel was baptised in 1697) so who was Daniel junior?.
As I say I have only had a quick look at the Webbs and it will be something I will look at more closly in the future.

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