Newman/Lane Marriage Tredingtion 1731 looking for banns (General)

by gene_genie, Sunday, May 31, 2009, 08:18 (5756 days ago)


Does anyone have access to GLS Banns Register?

My ancestors John Newman and Mary Lane married in Tredington GLS in 1731.
A John Newman was buried in Tredington on May 7 1736. I believe this is my ancestor, as it does not note 'son of' indicating a child. Also, my John and Mary apparently only had two daughters, both baptised in Tredington in 1732 and 1736 respectively, it may confirm their father was young when he died.

I cannot find any baptisms for John or his spouse in Tredington, but I note there are these baptisms on the database:

John Newman s of Thomas and Sarah bap Ley 4.3.1714
Mary Lane d John and Sarah bap Awre 13.12.1712

What would really help me is if the Banns for John and Mary could be found especially if they were read in Awre or The Ley.

If this is the right John Newman he would have only been 22 when he died in 1736. If that is so it is probable Mary Newman remarried.


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