Yemm Bosley (General)

by Dewey, Thursday, June 04, 2009, 08:33 (5752 days ago) @ slowhands

Sinse I was advised many years ago that my grandfather had changed his name from Yemm to Bosley, I have found many others who made the same switch. The one thing that thay all have in common is, they are all descendents of Sarah Yemm who died in Abinghall on Jan 10, 1810. Also while some changed when they immigrated, the majority of the changers never left England.
I have not previously encountered the name Omar Bosley, but wil search my records.
As an aside to Slowhands "great uncle Maynard always said that those who stuck in the second E in Bosley did not know how to spell correctly". I suspect the Boseleys say the same thing about us Bosleys.


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