Your review of the programme (General)

by Simone @, Saturday, June 06, 2009, 05:03 (5750 days ago) @ admin

Well David, I enjoyed the programme, although it was not long enough, only half an hour, so didn't cover a lot:(

The programme has been a series of different drives through Britain, following a 1950's guide book, hence the reason he has been travelling in 1950's cars.
her's another link to add to that of Chris

He went to Tintern Abbey, spoke to a couple about village life 50 years ago, met a couple of sheep badgerers, met a freeminer Robin Morgan?, who is still mining, and went down his mine with him. At the end of his trip he went up to Symonds Yat rock to survey the magnificent view, which I was very glad to see, because when I went a few years ago the mist was so thick we couldn't see a thing so had no idea what was beyond the rock:(

All in all a pleasant meander through the Forest, just not enough time to spend there..

I do hope you can view the iplayer from abroad.

Simone x

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