THOMPSONs in Newland, 1680s onward (and COSTER) (General)

by marshastringer, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 06:29 (5736 days ago) @ 10noyrum

Hi Chris,

I may have stumbled upon an explanation re your Thomas MORGAN and the 1718 John COSTER will.

In a 1925 paper by Rhys Jenkins:
P53. "Before the war [1643?] WINTER [Sir John] had leased his iron mills, forges, and furnaces to Thomas MORGAN and others in part payment for his debts . .. ."

Sir John WINTER's sister was married to Benedict HALL (of High Meadow). John COSTER's first lease was with Henry Benedict HALL (Upper Redbrook Copper Works; abt 1692).


Marsha Stringer

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