Stephen SMITH of East Dean, born c. 1812 (General)

by sparkey, Thursday, July 09, 2009, 02:43 (5718 days ago) @ sparkey

I said I would post a transcription, so here it is. It seems to match up perfectly with the Stephen Smith I was after:

1854. Marriage solemnized at St. Paul's Church in the Parish of [illegible] in the County of Monmouth

No. 417
When Married. May 11th 1854
Name and Surname. Stephen Smith, Mary Baker
Age. 41, 46
Condition. Widower, Widow
Rank or Profession. Collier, -
Residence at the time of Marriage. 71 Commercial St, 71 Commercial St Newport
Father's Name and Surname. late Benjamin Smith, late Thomas Nicholls
Rank or Profession of Father. Laborer, Farmer

Married in the Church of St. Paul according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church, after [illegible] by me, [illegible]

This marriage was solemnized between us, Stephen Smith [his mark], Mary Baker [her mark] in the Presence of us, William Wangler(?), Susanna Wangler(?)

So, now I'm looking for a laborer named Benjamin Smith who was born sometime in the second half of the 1700's, died before 1854, and lived in East Dean circa 1812. Does that description sound familiar to anyone?

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