Children of Edward HALE and Hannah Beard. (General)

by ChristopherHale13, Thursday, August 06, 2009, 13:38 (5688 days ago) @ sidhalemm

Hi Bill, or should I say "Gidday Mate!"
Glad I could help. My wife unfortunately passed away 2 years ago, but knowing my interest in genealogy she said "Not in my lifetime!" She had a phobia about the past. Anyway I started on my tree 2 years ago taking a subscription with (a subsidiary of specialising in the U.K.). Working on it part-time I now have a tree with over 1,000 entries and climbing rapidly. The new search facility on Ancestry is very powerful, allowing you to scan censuses, BMD's, Parish Records, Wills, Probates, other Members trees etc, etc. Combining Ancestry with the IGI (International Genealogical Index) on Family Search website has basically given excellent results with links to other Hale relatives worldwide, together with links to other branches of our family. Am currently conversing with people in USA, Canada, Australia, England and Wales. Have also joined our local Coffs Harbour District Family History Society which gives me access to all sites outside the U.K., e.g. USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, N.Z., etc. Was asked to do a Workshop in July on "Wales and the Forest of Dean", which basically detailed our Hale Family migration from Littledean to Newport, Monmouthshire, to Cardiff and Barry in S. Wales and subsequently my emigration to Australia. If I can be of any further help let me know. Chris.

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