Wills - James Darby (General)

by gerobertson @, Saturday, August 08, 2009, 20:45 (5686 days ago) @ selbyfamily

James Darby is my 4G Grandfather and it was I who transcribed the will. My email address can be found at the foot of the transcript.

Yes James is the son of Gregory and was buried 19 Mar 1831.The other James is a cousin. I have copies of James's christening, marriage, death, will etc if you are interested.

From the look of his mark on the will, James did not have long to live!!!

The executor does not necessarily need to sign the will. In the normal course of events following the death of the testator, the executor(s) would need to have the will "proved" to the authorities responsible for administrating such matters.

Glenn Robertson

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