Hoare Family - Doward/Whitchurch (General)

by derekyoung, Monday, August 17, 2009, 08:58 (5677 days ago) @ fredb

Hi Fredb,
Many thanks for your reply. I think that you may have highlighted the correct Albert Hoare but I do not remember him being married. He may well of been but his wife would have died or left him prior to 1947. I remember that he did have a housekeeper - maybe that was his wife! There was a connection with a Lewis family around the Stroud area but I cannot remember too much about them - just the odd visit to them with my parents. My son has traced an Albert Hoar (without the e)to Bourton on the Water where he is listed as signalman. It is possible that I need to visit Chalford and dig around some of the church records.
Again many thanks for your help.

Regards, Derek

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