by smt @, Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 11:21 (5667 days ago) @ John_Mullen

Lucy Edwards nee Jones was my greatgreat grandmother, married Edward Edwards 16/08/1868.
Gladwell had me stumped for ages.
Richard Edwards died 03/07/1884 in Tredegar
Elizabeth Edwards 12/03/1873 30 Park Row Tredegar.
They had in all that i can find 12 children born in the forest of Dean and Tredegar.
Mary Jane was my great grandmother, i am still trying to find out about Maggie J Edwards, even up to 5 mins ago, sending an email to my cousin, who's mum is quite talkative at the moment about the past.
I have 2 death certs for an Edward Edwards 26/06/1890 thinking this was the one as corresponded to daughter being born, he was 43 an oil man accidently killed. I went up to Tradegar to read the papers, this Edward was not married, so could not be mine, still to the fact of where did Maggie J Edwards come from?
The 2nd death cert. is 07/05/1884 Park Row Tredegar, they have him as 33years old where he should be 38yrs. Collier died from Phthisis and E Edwards was the informant, living in Aberman Glam. i put that down to Enos,and that they lived on the 1881 census at 45b Park row.
Suzanne in Cardiff

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