A little tip (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Saturday, October 03, 2009, 08:11 (5628 days ago) @ Ann


Thanks for your kind words. Very often I get close to loosing my cool because of what is posted in the forum but most of the time I somehow manage to control my emotions.

Why oh why can't people seem to write properly anymore?

Many reasons I suppose! The internet seems for some to be a place to forget what they were taught and just go along with no respect for others because they are unlikely to ever meet the people face to face.

I can understand and accept poor grammar and non use of capitals in text messages, because it's so damned hard to get to the apostrophe character on a phone key-set. Press 1 seven times? No thanks. Though on a normal keyboard it is not hard to hold down the shift key.

Ok, end of rant. I feel better now and I will try my best to continue to be polite in my replies to postings.

Have a Good Day!

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