RCs in the Forest (General)

by rookancestrybest @, United Kingdom, Monday, December 07, 2009, 21:10 (5562 days ago) @ monfamilies

I'd seen something like this before. But now I've looked at all the names there are probably my ancestors on every page of this!!!! Pritchard, Prosser, Rook, Rooke, Steed, Adams, possibly Rosser too. I have also found a link between the Adams' and the Marshalls which follows up from a posting last week about who the Marshalls were. I have also been wondering who the Kings were and there's at least one on this list too. I'm also now going to look at Hook and Hooke in case it's Rook mistranscribed! My family has always maintained it was a family of recusants and has some oral history to support it. I have read somewhere that outside Lancashire the Forest of Dean had the highest number of RCs in proportion to the population, however they all seem to have been very closely related to each other (obviously RCs married RCs.)

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