Albertlanders ( NZ) background (General)

by unknown, Thursday, January 28, 2010, 10:50 (5511 days ago) @ jhopkins

Kia ora Hone :-P Sorry I haven't gotten back to you, computer has been on the fritz. You're right about the Dick Scott book being expensive! It doesn't appear to be in any of the Australian libraries that I can loan from. I humbly request your help to see if the Dufty's are mentioned in it. I know they came out to NZ (Auckland) on the Eagle Speed in 1864 and were listed as Thomas (miner), Hannah and Samual Doughty on the shipping manifest. If there's anything else you need just let me know.
On the Papers Past website I've found a Thomas Dufty that was named in an article from 1864 as being in Kaipara and losing some of his gear in an accidental fire. It is said he is a boatman who was at the Bay of Islands (BOI) coal mines at the time of the fire. Not sure if this is the same Thomas but it's a hell of a coincidence regardless. Also BOI coal mines? Well I'm learning a lot about my own country on this website and I don't even live there anymore lol! I'll have to check that out. And further have found out there is a 'Highway Assessment Roll 1865-70' for Auckland/Northland and that land owners are mentioned on that I've been put onto. So a few things I can chase up.
I apologise as my Maori is a little rusty but here goes: tena rawa atu koe!!
Ka kite,

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