HOPES of Bitton (General)

by m p griffiths @, Friday, January 29, 2010, 10:59 (5510 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Fortunately, Jabez gave his mother's name as Louisa, and on the 1881 Census, says he was born Oldham( Oldland) Common took some finding....

1861 Census, Bitton, District 4 Oldland Common

all HOPES all born BITTON (and Louisa is single) and Jabez has been transcribed as Elizth....

William - 42 Coal Miner
Sarah - 40 Stay Cutter
LOUISA - 20 Rag Cutter
Elizabeth - 16 ditto
Ruth - 14
Dorcas - 12
Pamela - 10
Jane - 9
William - 6
Ellen - 4
Lucy - 6 months
Elizth (but is JABEZ if you look closely)- Grandson aged 2

Looking at the 1851 census, William & Sarah HOPES are in Bitton, along with their family and list a William HOPES age 13 - no sign of Louisa, this could be Jabez as his Son William was age 6 (previous census)

1841 Census, Bitton
Cowhorn Hill

William HOPES 20 - Coal Miner, born in County
Sarah - 20 (not born in County)
Emily - 1 - born in County
Louisa - 3 months, born in County

Looking on FreeBDM for a William HOPES marrying in possibly the KEYNSHAM District pre 1838, and to a 'Sarah' - we have

William HOPES - Dec 1837, Keynsham and there is a Sarah GULLY in this list

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