Men in armour for Gloucestershire 1608 (General)

by Bailey @, Thursday, February 04, 2010, 07:47 (5504 days ago) @ teresa baldwin

There is a copy of Men in Armour 1608 kept at the Guildhall Library, Guildhall, London on micro fiche in the reference library (at no cost to view ).

In addition, I have found extracts on "Google" for Whettenhapstead, Longhope and Berkely Hundred etc (sorry but have not kept info on web pages).

My visit to the Guildhall focused on the parishes of Hasfield, Corse, Ashleworth and Tirley. From these I prepared a transcript of each parish. There is one record in Corsse [Corse]parish, as follows:-

Name: John Baldwyne
Occupation: Yeoman
AgeCat. : 2 ( about 40 years of age )
Rank: M ( middle stature )
Note: Tr (a trained soldier)
Sub ( he was a subsidy man)

I hope this is your man.



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