Albert SMITH 1868 Mitcheldean ( -1891 Runcorn death ?) (General)

by Lawrencef ⌂ @, Trentham, Australia, Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 15:09 (5368 days ago) @ slowhands

Time to lay poor Albert Smith to rest.

Albert travelled to Runcorn to work on the Canals. His wife Rhoda Smith (nee Goode) was at his side when he died on the 15 Dec 1891 of typhoid fever at 6 Grindrod Sq Runcorn. His death was attended by Bartholomew Marigan MD. If anyone has a photo of that address from that period I'd love to see it as it is now some sort of bypass.

His wife Minnie may have reverted to her maiden name or not. I cannot really locate her after 1891 in any records.

I suspect that this might be her but have not been able to confirm.

Surname GOODE
First Name Rhoda
Abode Barn Hill near Coleford
Year Proved 1920
Page Number 317
Year of Death 1920
Month of Death Oct
Day of Death 17
Value Under £152
Admons Will
From Forest of dean Wills

Their daughter Olive Elizabeth Smith appears to have been bought up by her Great Gandmother Elizabeth Goode.

Minnie Goodes mother Rachel Goode married Anthony Cooper (1847-1889) and she moved to Cardiff shortly before he died (or perhaps at around the same time of his death). I've even located a photo on the house they lived in at Cardiff. They had quite a few children (and the McClure line is I think in or around London but I've not been able to track them past the 70's).

Feel free to contact me directly for a gedcom file containing verified information.

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