Bethia MORGAN nee JONES 1769 ish Ruardean (General)

by unknown, Saturday, August 07, 2010, 21:55 (5322 days ago) @ unknown

Thank you, again.

"I think Thomas may be connected to the HALE family of the Forest of Dean because their name cropps up on various records, witnesses at marriages etc. I have found that sometimes researching off shoots of the family sometimes gives clues."

Offshoot-studies can often pay dividends, I agree. This is the info I have assembled for his daughter, Susannah:
Susan(na) TEAGUE:
b 1831-2 [1841] E Dean [1851]
bap 11 Oct 1831 Mitcheldean d/o Thomas TEAGUE & Mary [RG4-8 IGI-C03618-1]
1841HO107/364fo4p3: age 9 (BiC); Plump Hill, extra Parish F-o-Dean
1851HO107/1959fo177p10: "Susan" age 19; Westbury Brook, E Dean
m1 1852q4 Westbury/Severn. Samuel HALL
m2 19 Dec 1858 St Mary De Crypt, Gloucester Susan HALL & Richard HALE [I03122-6]
1861RG09/1814fo48p1: age 28; New Rd, Ruardean
1871RG10/2597fo56p13: age 39; Ruardean Hill, E Dean
1881RG11/2529fo125p95: (not at home) age 47, blacksmith's wife; visitor (George & Ann BLACKWELL) Plackett's Farm, Wotton St Mary, Glos
1891RG12/2004fo87p19: age 59; Harry Hill, E Dean
1901RG13/2420fo74p40: age 69; Foundry La, E Dean
d 1903q1 age 71 Monmouth
bur 15 Mar 1903 Coleford Cemetery age 71, W

That gives you/us at least one connection.

"Also I thought that Berthia/Bethia Death Certificate (if registered) my hold some clues. I don't know what information they held for this period but it may give the name of the person who registered the death or who was present at the time of death."

That's a good idea: as and when my friend decides how much detail she wants on this part of the family, and how much she's willing to spend, I shall point that possibility out to her.


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