Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before (General)

by Kimbad, Monday, November 22, 2010, 09:34 (5202 days ago) @ julien

Hi Julien, I descend from the Wintles who ran the Forest Brewery in Mitcheldean.

Briefly, owners of Forest Brewery seem to have been Thomas Wintle 1800-1848 married Sophia Harris Coleman, his son Thomas 1833-1888 married Mary Jane Coleman, and grandson Francis 1868-1943 married Anne Davis.

Francis' sister Sophia 1864-1958 married William Woolley, these are my gt grandparents, they weren't involved in the brewery.

I don't know when the brewing operation was sold, but I can ask my father, fortunately still alive at 90. Probably more reliable is to search the archives at the Herefordshire records office, because the Wintle business records have been deposited there.

My Wintle family is a bit convoluted because second cousin married second cousin, etc. more than once. I can go further back if you are interested.

My Wintle ancestors who weren't brewing beer in Mitcheldean bottled it at nearby Bill Mills (Weston-under-Penyard) ie Alfred John Wintle 1837-1895 married Ellen Clarke, their sons Thomas Clarke Wintle 1866-1945 married Emily Hart, and Osman Alfred Wintle 1869-1927 married Maud Griffiths, continued the business, then I think the grandson Norman Wintle, I'm not sure when the business finished and Bill Mills was sold, again I could ask my father, I know it was still in the family in 1941 because my parents spent their honeymoon there (!)

I descend from Thomas Clarke Wintle and Emily Hart, as well as the other lot, I warned you it was complicated!!

Do you need any more info?

Amanda Woolley

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