IRELAND family (General)

by willow, Thursday, April 07, 2005, 13:48 (7256 days ago) @ slowhands

Thank you will reference these against names I have in my list,

I did check back to the site and found I couldnt access anything

The Ireland's above look very promising as relatives in one way or another due to locations

From the birth dates below I have in my tree the following ancesters


???? Thomas - Ross - Shoemaker - My Great Great Grandfather
married Lucy Ellison

1857 John - Ross - Collier - My Great Grandfather
married Elizabeth Metcalf

1887 Benjamin -Lane End West Dean- Collier - My grandfather
married Florence Willstead

His Siblings
other names mentioned were annie and Hannah but unsure of these

His children

1910 Florence Gertrude
1911 Thomas John
1915 Hilda May
1921 Kathleen Emily
1923 Dorothy Phyllis
1925 Harold Sydney - my father

There is a birth of a child Fred but it is unknown when other than they had a baby called Fred that died,

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