William STEVENS b circa 1923 (General)

by unknown, Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 10:15 (4883 days ago) @ Jefff

Hello Jeff,
Many thanks and appreciated as usual!
I'm rock solid with the Cirencester line, it all stacks up - I was just being lazy with my Dad's date of birth, of all the Stevens' I just had not checked that particular one (always the way with close at home!)
My grand mother on Mums side was a Saberton and so far (again with invaluable help from others) we are back to Robert Sabberton (double b) in 1590. All from the Witcham area close to Ely on the Fens.
We are hitting Gloucester and Flaxley this weekend, so I too now have Forest of Dean roots that I never knew about - exciting!!
Thanks again,

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