Mary Ann Freeman: Morgan connection or not? (General)

by wamorgan ⌂ @, USA, Saturday, March 31, 2012, 04:37 (4721 days ago) @ wamorgan

Hi All,

I just wanted to say thanks again to all of you that help make this site possible by gathering, transcribing, helping, etc. I have had this brick wall for a bit now, but now it is finally starting to come together!

I have found my Mary Ann. I need to verify her mother, which may prove difficult, but I have finally tracked her down, thanks to the help of this site.

If any one has found that our families match, please let me know and I'll send more information. I don't want to put anyone to sleep!

To briefly summarize:

I received a death certificate for Elizabeth (Waite) Morgan d. 22 June 1887. On it, it states there was an inquest on 24 June 1887. I found the inquest on this site. Mary Ann Freeman is again mentioned in the inquest, as wife of Benjamin Freeman, which I had suspected (previous threads).

I searched the BMD and FOD. I found only a marriage in the BMD for a Benjamin Freeman and Mary Ann Harris that seemed to fit. I then started to look for Mary Ann Morgan and Mr. Harris. Yep, found the marriage on this site! It was in 1882. Then I found that poor John dies in 1883, as I found the Freemans keeping house in 1891. (The marriage for Freeman-Harris was in 1886).

Anyway, it's been a very productive night and I must say that sleep is so overrated. ;)
I may be up all night as I am now adding Freeman, Harris, and Morgan ancestors all over the place.

Thanks again FODFH!

P.S. I have found the census records for the Harris-Morgan and Freeman-Harris/Morgan families, if anyone is in need of them. I can post here or send via e-mail.

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