Jane EYNON born Dymock 1823 (General)

by unknown, Wednesday, August 15, 2012, 14:27 (4581 days ago) @ spellweaver

Hi All,

Further to previous messages on this subject:

Job Eynons(sometimes Onions) married Mary Alder 21st Nov 1815 in Gloucester St Mary de Crypt. Job was a mason and presumably worked in the City although his family were from Dymock Parish.There are many spellings of this name.
Job and Mary had 4 children: William b.1819 (my GGGrandfather),Jane b.1822 married Charles Clay, Richard b.1823 and Ann b.1826 married Hayward Coopey.
I have further information on this family if any of you are interested I can send Family Trees etc.

my home email is rigbard@aol.com


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