Barnwood House Hospital Burials (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, September 03, 2012, 23:34 (4565 days ago) @ avrilc

Hi Avril,
according to this website altho' Barnwood House had it's own Chapel it didn't have a cemetery.

If by chance you don't know the history of the Hospital, this site may help. I cannot find any references to burials in the text. Perhaps its worth contacting the modern Barnwood Trust, or Glos County Council, altho previous posters experiences suggest records are not easily accessible if at all(see below).

These prior threads may possibly help you.

However I suspect burials of residents within the Hospital would have been deemed the responsibility of the next-of-kin wherever possible, or a local burial at minimal cost/effort to the Council particularly in the difficult days of 1940.

Pardon my ignorance, but please clarify for me the link between the deceased and the Captain's effects, thanks ?.

I'm NO expert but isn't this a case for purchasing a Death Certificate ?
This Glos Council website may be a good starting point.,funeralsandcremations/Death-...

Good luck.

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