by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, June 19, 2014, 11:34 (3913 days ago) @ Powys,Amanda

Assume the tree on Ancestry is yours, with a copy of the birth entry (written in The Pilgrims' progress 1817 i.e. James born at Woodside May 31 1841)

The 1841 census was taken on the night of 6 June 1841

District 13 (page 22 of 23)

The 1851 census on the Public Members Tree (date of census 30 March 1851 = James was age 10 + 2 months years by then)

Thomas - 52
Ann - 39
Susanna - 17
Sons, William 16, Milson 14, Sidney 12, James 9, Clara 6, Bertha 4, Ann 1, + William MATTHEWS 44, William MATTHEWS 14 and Dinah TINGLE 20

1841 Census, Woodside


Thomas 38 -
Ann - 29
Susannah - 8
William - 6
Milson - 5
Sydney - 2
Susannah SIMMONS 62 Independent - Not born in County
Susan - no surname given - (in the female column) 6 days - Listed on Ancestry as Susan SIMMONS - 6 days

Can also see from Public Members Tree - and written in the Pilgrim's progress - Susannah SIMMONS was the grandmother and died 29 December 1848.

which appears to be a possible cover-up???

If the Enumerator was quite local and if a neighbour he would know is Ann had been pregnant! Don't think Ann would have gone far with 4 children - so may be a local man ? Can't see the Enumerator's name for District 13 - had a quick look District 14 was William Bishop - handwriting may give a clue!

i.e. District 2 Enumerator was William HARRIS
11a - Thomas TEAGUE
12 - John BRAIN
14 - William BISHOP - think it could be him for District 13 the writing looks identical - the capital D's are the same - and Forrest has two 'rr's other Enumerators spell it with one r…. - used the word viz: each time - I've run the two off and compared and am sure William is the Enumerator.

and the Enumerator would have to write - therefore…..

1841 Census, District 13, same as the DORRINGTON's Page 7

William BISHOP - age 40 Accountant
Margaret BISHOP - 12

Ancestry: England & Wales non-conformist & non parochial - Gloucester Southgate Chapel Independnet

Margaret, Daughter of William & Mary Ann BISHOP living at Cinderford Iron Works in the Hundred of St Briavels in the County of Gloucester was born 23 November 1828 and baptised the 21 July 1929 signed Byrne …. BISHOP

William Bishop is on the 'net' re: Cinderford Iron Company

Only a DNA test on male decendents would see if James was Thomas'

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