Annie Harriet HADDOCK (General)

by willis68, Saturday, November 12, 2016, 14:11 (3034 days ago) @ Pauline Hortle

Ref your message about Anne Harriet Haddock being your great grandmother, she is also my great grandmother. I am the grandson of

David Downing 1897-1954. His daughter Kathleen Downing was my mother. I remember grandad babysitting me when my mother was working and my dad was in the army.

I have been researching my roots and around grandads time I run out of leads. I know he married a Sarah Keogh but can find no information on when and where.

My mother died a few years ago and she told me a long time ago there were relatives in Australia but not who they were.

This message is basically to say any information I have, you are welcome to and hopefully I can find out more.

David Downing married Sarah Keogh who was from Tipperary and apparently was bought out of service by David Downing.

She shows up on several electoral rolls in the Winson Green area where I was born in 1947. I lived at 11 back of 387 Heath Street Winson Green with initially my mother , grandad and presumably my grand mother Sarah but I only remember my grandfather.

Children of the marriage of David Downing and Sarah Keogh are: Patricia Downing, Dennis Downing and my mother Kathleen Downing.
I have a relative who thinks there were more children but I very much doubt it.

As I said any information I can supply I will
Best wishes
Daniel Keith Willis

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