Evan TURNER b Ruardean abt 1892, & parents (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, February 17, 2017, 01:47 (2921 days ago) @ Jefff

Another excellent free-access website is the FamilySearch site, which also includes the 10yearly UK Census; this enables us to find Evan and his family. By a lucky coincidence, it seems that Oliver (previous post) is Evan's older brother (although need to search in case there are other men of this name..).

Using https://familysearch.org

1901 Census; Ruardean Woodside, East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
George Turner Head M 57 Coal Hewer Below Ground. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Turner Wife F 52 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Leonard Turner Son M 18 Coal Hewer Below Ground. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Oliver Turner Son M 16 Belt Boy Below Ground. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Richard Turner Son M 13 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Evan Turner Son M 10 East Dean, Gloucestershire

So Evan's parents were George Turner born abt 1844 and Elizabeth born abt 1849.
Hopefully we can find their PRs within this FoD sites database.

Searching this site's Freeminer Register, we find just two Turners. I suspect both are related given their close location, one looks like our George.

Record_Number: 1510
Forename: George
Surname: TURNER
Calculated Year of Birth: 1847
Age: 28
Day: 29
Month: Jan
Year: 1875
Residence: Ruardean Hill
Remarks: Register of Baptism produced
Soundex: T656


The other is maybe his brother ? - yes, see 1851 Census with father William on next post.

Record_Number: 1542
Forename: William
Surname: TURNER
Calculated Year of Birth: 1840
Age: 35
Day: 12
Month: Feb
Year: 1875
Residence: Nailbridge
Remarks: Register of Baptism produced
Soundex: T656


The FamilySearch site also has the 1911 Census, altho not so helpfully presented, for more 1911 info really need to access one of the subscription websites. Luckily this weekend Ancestry's offering free access, so find;

1911; 5 room residence at Ruardean Woodside, Glos.

Name Relation to Head Birth Date Age Gender Marital Status Years Married Occupation Birth Place Address

Evan Turner Head 1891 20 Male Married 1 year. Colliery Hewer. Ruardean, Gloucestershire.
Mary A Turner Wife 1892 19 Female Married 1 year. Have had 1 child, still alive. Ruardean, Gloucestershire.
Iris R Turner Daughter 1910 9 months Female. Ruardean, Gloucestershire.

NOTE !: Yet again the Census has been transcribed to say that Iris was born in Oxfordshire. This is NOT the case.
After the form was very-neatly filled-in and signed by Evan, 1911 was the first Census residents filled their own forms in, a census official back at "head-office" has marked "OX" on the Census form in red ink. I've seen this many times for this area's forms, it does not mean Oxfordshire ! Transcription errors are not unusual.

FYI, the next door neighbours are widowed shopkeeper Clara Brain & children, and collier Timothy Nelmes & family.
I've downloaded the Census form image, if you contact me off-forum using the direct mail system, I can send it to you.


Continuing the search for Evan's parents George & Elizabeth;

1891 Census; Hawkwell Row, Holy Trinity Parish, East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
George Turner Head M 45 Coal miner. Gloucestershire, England
Elizth Turner Wife F 41 Gloucestershire, England
Jane Turner Daughter F 20 Single. General servant. Gloucestershire, England
Ruben Turner Son M 16 Coal miner. Gloucestershire, England
Sydney Turner Son M 15 Coal miner. Gloucestershire, England
George Turner Son M 10 Scholar. Gloucestershire, England
Leonard Turner Son M 9 Scholar. Gloucestershire, England
Oliver Turner Son M 5 Scholar. Gloucestershire, England
Richard Turner Son M 2 Gloucestershire, England
Turner Grandson M 0 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

Hawkwell Row was built for the workers at Hawkwell pit, which is situated at the base of Ruardean Hill on the far/south-eastern side from Ruardean. The Row is still there, for more details see this prior post

Holy Trinity is the formal name for what's known locally as the Forest Church, the first Church built within the "inner" Forest, situated on Harry aka Harrow Hill, Drybrook. This is no ore than 1/4 mile or so up the road from Hawkwell Terrace, when it was built the congregation would regularly walk there thro' the woods from as far away as the "new" town of Cinderford a mile away, before it had Churches.



1881 Census; East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
George Turner Head M 36 Coal miner. East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Elizabeth Turner Wife F 31 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Samuel Turner Son M 13 Scholar. East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
William Turner Son M 11 Scholar. East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Jane Turner Daughter F 8 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Reuben Turner Son M 6 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Sidney Turner Son M 4 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
George Turner Son M 1 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

(Need to see image of actual Census form to be able to pinpoin the address better).
UPDATED: Have found the image c/o Ancestry's free access this weekend. All I can confirm address-wise is that it's definitely on Ruardean Hill. This particular Census runs to 27 pages, the above is towards the end. Each page has maybe 7 households, about 4 pages before ours one household is the Roebuck beerhouse, see below, otherwise no clues apart from names. Virtually all the households are coal-miners. Next door to George is James Roberts' who may be in my bro-in-law's tree.

Roebuck Inn see http://www.forest-of-dean.net/fodmembers/index.php?mode=thread&id=37248#p37275

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