Clearwell War Memorial (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Sunday, November 03, 2019, 12:29 (1948 days ago) @ probinson

I wonder if this is a sight of Mabel’s mother, Agnes:-

BNA Monmouthshire Beacon - Friday 29 September 1899

Coleford Petty Sessions, Tuesday

George Pyner, labourer, of Monmouth, was brought up on remand from the previous day on a charge of being in arrears to the extent of £2 2s., plus expenses, under a bastardy order obtained against him by Agnes Roberts on 24th August, 1897. Defendant said he was in the militia and had lately been in Chatham. He was going to work at Newport. He only had 12s. in his possession ; he was willing to pay that down and 5s. per week regularly afterwards, which would be 2s. on the arrears and 3s. on the order. Complainant agreed to accept the offer and defendant paid the 12s.

Again in 1907:-

BNA Gloucester Citizen - Wednesday 04 December 1907

Coleford Police Court

George Pyner, a Monmouth labourer, was summoned for being £4 12s. in arrears on an order made the Bench to pay 3s. 6d. week towards the illegitimate child of Agnes Roberts. —Defendant now promised 6s. a week until the arrears were paid, and this was accepted.

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