Phelps family who lived at Bradley House in the 1960`s (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:12 (1439 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

If you use the search for Bradley House.....


Two Bridges Tump, Ayelford (by Slowhands)

By the brook Bradley House was presumably built for Samuel Hewlett, an ironfonder who was the occupant in 1834. (fn65). To the south are two mid 19th century houses - one, Ayleford House, dated 1866. Downstream, nearer the hamlet of Aylofrd, a fow of four cottages north-west of Two Bridgdes, owned by Samuel Hewlett in 1834 (fn66) was partly derelict in 1992



Also -

past links on this website

Samuel HEWLETT - Iron Master (by Roger Griffiths) 18 January 1009

1851 Bradley House

HEWLETT Samuel - abt 1768 - Witmisnter, Gloucester
etc etc

1841 Census Bradley Hill

Samuel HULETT - abt 1771 - etc etc.

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