Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s (General)

by diagram @, Monday, July 20, 2015, 09:50 (3501 days ago)

I have recently found the names of some missing wives in my PLAISTED family. One of these is Deborah SIER daughter of Joseph bap 1742/3 at Westbury who married Thomas PLAISTED in 1764 at Gloucester St Michael.

Another of Joseph's daughters Abigail SIER (bap 1744/5) married Richard YOUNG in 1764 at Westbury. Their daughter Sarah YOUNG (bap 1771) married Charles GREEN, a Notary Public who worked for the Bank of England.

I have not found Charles & Sarah's wedding but their first child Abigail GREEN was bap 1797 at Little Dean. Presumably this was a case of going home to mother for the first baby, the rest of their children were born in London. Their second daughter Ann GREEN married her second cousin, John PLAISTED, grandson of Thomas & Deborah.

So I have two SIER GGGG-Grandmothers and now I am trying to find out more about the SIER and YOUNG families.

For a start I should like to know how to pronounce SIER. I imagine it is like 'sigher' a person who sighs, but I have been caught out before. Knowing the pronunciation helps to identify alternate spellings in the early registers, e.g. should I include SAYER?

My preliminary look at the records suggests that Joseph SIER came from Red Marley and that earlier generations came from Dymock. If anyone is researching this family please get in touch.

If anyone from ADMIN is reading this I should like to make a donation, I sent a message via the form to get an address but got no answer. I have money in a sterling account and could afford to be more generous by cheque. The money was for future visits but I am unlikely to be able to travel to England again. I wish this was not so, I should love to visit the Forest of Dean again now that I know more about where my ancestors lived. I thought it was a magical place even though it drizzled most of the time I was there


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, July 20, 2015, 12:09 (3501 days ago) @ diagram

Just to confirm that your request for an address has now been dealt with. Our apologies for the delay.

Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 15:33 (3500 days ago) @ diagram

Quick search on......

Gloucestershire Archives : Online Catalogue

Finding Ref: P110 CW 3/1

Title: Bond of Joseph SIER of Redmarley, stonemason and John STEEL of Littledean "architect"

Description: To remove and repair the weathercock "that it may Traverse well and turne with the Wind" repair the tower and steeple for £10 10s. 0d, and maintain tower and weathercock for 20 years.

Fod Records have a John STEEL in Littledean around that time.


Looking at Old Wills held at the Records Office on line: the spelling can be SYERE/SYER -

There is only one male SIER listed on the Men in Armour for Gloucestershire 1608

Dymock Newent

Christopher SIER - Labourer A40 (age around 40) tallest stature


'another of Josephe's daughters Abigail SIER married Richard YOUNG 1764 at Westbury...... I am trying to find out more about the YOUNG family'

Fod Records

Marriage at Westbury on Severn - 8 May 1717

Richard YOUNG married Elizabeth PLAYSTED

baptism of the above couple at WoS

Richard - 29 December 1723 - buried 5 January 1724

John & Robert - 5 February 1721

3 October 1736 - another Richard, probably the son who married Abigail SIER


If you look at Men in Armour for Gloucestershire 1608

There is one John YONGE (could well be YOUNG mistranscribed or spelt that way i.e. U instead of an N) - Husbandman, A40 tallest stature, trained. Looking at the Gloucestershire Wills - YOUNG sometimes had an E at the end.


British History Online : Westbury on Severn: Manor and other estates - has more information on the Young family

''Ley Mill Farm and Leyfold Farm, which had earlier belonged to the YOUNG family. Richard YOUNG owned 206 acres at his death in 1635, and John YOUNG, apparently his Son, held the estate in 1655 - It had passed to Richard YOUNG by 1683 and the family still owned it in 1708'

Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by diagram @, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 11:37 (3499 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks for pointing out this 1732 bond, my Joseph was bap 1705 so this could well be him. I was wondering what his occupation was.

Also thanks for the information about Christopher. I think he was probably Joseph's G-Grandfather. I have downloaded a copy of his will from Ancestry. I wonder how tall 'tallest stature' was in those days.

I knew that Richard YOUNG's mother was Elizabeth PLAYSTED but I have no idea who she is, the only Elizabeth I have found of the correct age died as a child.

I am a bit daunted by the number of YOUNGS in the area!

You have given me some new ideas of places to look for information so thank you again.


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 13:52 (3499 days ago) @ diagram

There are a number of articles on 'the net' regarding the average height through the ages.

'from Bones in Farringdon Street, London (17th century)'

Average man : (5'6 inches)
Average woman: (5' half an inch)

So Christopher was taller and fit to be a Pikeman - the pikes measured 16 feet+

Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by diagram @, Friday, July 24, 2015, 05:42 (3497 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

'from Bones in Farringdon Street, London (17th century)'
Average man : (5'6 inches)
Average woman: (5' half an inch)

So Christopher was taller and fit to be a Pikeman - the pikes measured 16 feet+

That's a lot taller than I imagined but still a hard job to manage a pike.

I received an email about John MALSON 1691-1739 who married Cisely PLAYSTEAD in 1719 but my reply bounced so I am posting my answer here.

I do have Cisely in my tree (just her baptism) but she is extremely distantly related, my 6th cousin 5 times removed. Our nearest common ancestor is Thomas born ca 1504 at Mildenhall Wilts, the one who moved to Westbury on Severn.

I can't help with any children but I do have a sketchy tree of Cisely's ancestors. This information comes from ‘The Plaisted Family (North Wilts)’ by A.H. Plaisted and some parish register entries. Let me know if you want any details.


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by e clarke @, Sunday, July 26, 2015, 14:57 (3495 days ago) @ diagram

Hi Diane think is was me who sent you the message about Cecily Playstead and John Malson. My direst ancestor was John but I think its nice to know husbands and wives to put on your family tree. I would be interested in her birth date. Regards Liz Clarke

Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by diagram @, Monday, July 27, 2015, 10:36 (3494 days ago) @ e clarke

Hi Diane think is was me who sent you the message about Cecily Playstead and John Malson. My direst ancestor was John but I think its nice to know husbands and wives to put on your family tree. I would be interested in her birth date. Regards Liz Clarke

The Flemingstone Parish Register has:

25 Mar 1696 Cissell PLAISTEED daughter of Edward & Cissell.

According to the Plaisted Book Cissell ANDREWS was Edward's second wife, he was 42 and she turned 16 just before the birth of her daughter Cissell. They had 5 more children born 1698 to 1708, Cissell died in 1710, Edward died in 1719.

But there are two unexplained burials in the Flemingstone PR for an Anna Maroo [Maria?] PLAISTEED in 1672 and Edward PLAISTEED in 1676. These burials predate Edward's first marriage in 1681 so they are unlikely to be his children.

I have my doubts about the age difference, I think there were two Edwards, father & son, and it was Edward Jnr who married Cissell. I have not found the source of some of the dates in the book.

Best wishes from Diana

Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, July 27, 2015, 13:31 (3494 days ago) @ diagram

Men in Armour for Gloucester 1608

Westbury on Severn (Lower Ley)

Richard PLAISTEED fisher A40 lower stature

Westbury on Severn (Elton part of the manor or Rodley)

Thomas MAWSOONE servant to the said John PLAISTEED A40 lower stature
John PLAISTEED fisher A40 - lower stature
Alexander PLAISTEED son of John PLAISTEED Senior A40 lower stature
John PLAISTEED son of John PLAISTEED Senior A40 tallest stature
John PLAYSTEED Senior Shipwright

Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by diagram @, Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 05:26 (3493 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks for the PLAISTED Information. They are all descendants of Thomas who moved to Westbury on Severn from Mildenhall WIL ca 1540 and had 3 surviving sons John, Thomas & William.

The Shipwrights, John and his two sons John & Alexander, are descendants of the eldest son John.

The Fisherman John is a descendant of the second son Thomas.

I am a descendant of the youngest son William who was a Weaver & Hosier.

I decided to look for William's sons Richard and Thomas, I found at Westbury on Severn (Lower Ley)
Richard PLAYSTEED hosier. A20. lower stature.

I looked at the other results you sent but I can't find the one for Richard PLAISTEED fisher A40 lower stature, maybe that is a typo?

Richard is my 9G-Grand Uncle, I can't find my ancestor Thomas who was born 1589, he was >16 so he should be there.

I find the database very hard to search, you are supposed to be able to use * as a wild card but I could only find names which I typed exactly. The place search is how I found them.


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by For Hulse NZ, Tuesday, July 09, 2024, 22:50 (223 days ago) @ diagram

Kia ora Diane,

I am doing some research on behalf of the Hulse family in New Zealand, who are also related to your relative Thomas Hulse (b.1589), if you would like to connect and discuss information found so far.


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by pclark @, Saturday, July 25, 2015, 15:30 (3496 days ago) @ diagram


I have a Hannah Belcher nee Sier 1737-1789 from Westbury in my tree,


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by diagram @, Sunday, July 26, 2015, 04:00 (3495 days ago) @ pclark

I have a Hannah Belcher nee Sier 1737-1789 from Westbury in my tree,

Hi Pete

I think Hannah was the elder sister of Deborah & Abigail.

After I saw your message I found a marriage to John BELCHER on 25 Jun 1758 at Arlingham.

Then at Westbury on Severn: seven children bap 1763-1777, burials for Hannah 1789 and Richard 1809 age 79.

I couldn't find a baptism for John. Where did he come from?.


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by diagram @, Sunday, July 26, 2015, 07:11 (3495 days ago) @ diagram

Last message mistake (another senior moment) it was John BELCHER who died in 1809.


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by pclark @, Sunday, July 26, 2015, 12:53 (3495 days ago) @ diagram


Not sure really, one would assume Westbury although later on a Belcher line came from over the river.

Hannah would be my 7 x great grandmother


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by diagram @, Monday, July 27, 2015, 06:36 (3494 days ago) @ pclark

Hannah would be my 7 x great grandmother

Deborah and Abigail are my 4 x great grandmothers, we are 6th cousins 3 times removed (I think).


Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by Chris Young, Sunday, August 02, 2015, 22:39 (3487 days ago) @ diagram


I am new to this site but spotted, this post about Youngs in westbury/Flaxley. I just wanted to say we are still here,! I live in the same house as my g g grandfather was born in 1851, but I know my branch of the Youngs go back to at least 1738 in Westbury,. There were many many Young's in Westbury, mostly farm labours, Flaxley churchyard is full of them.. Good luck with your search especially if you come across James Young at it was a very popular family name.

From the last Youngs in Flaxley.

Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s

by diagram @, Tuesday, August 04, 2015, 10:44 (3486 days ago) @ Chris Young

Hi Chris

My GGG-Grandmother Sarah YOUNG was a mystery, just a name and 'of Gloucester', no baptism, no marriage and no burial. It was only last year I identified her baptism among all the 'possibles' thanks to the wonderful indexes on the FoD site. I am now struggling with her ancestry among all the YOUNGs with similar first names.

It is wonderful to know that there is still family in the area. Living in your G-Grandfather's house is not something that happens much here. We are probably distant cousins but very different. You are living where your forebears have lived for centuries, my forbears are far away and scattered.

My 32 GGG-Grandparents come from DEV (8), SRY (2), SSX (2), TIP (4), GLS (2), LND (2), SFK (4), BKM (4), HAM (2) and KIK (2). I am definitely a hybrid!

Best wishes to the Youngs of Flaxley from Diana

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