Turner family Ruardean (General)

by Herbie007, Thursday, February 16, 2017, 20:37 (2925 days ago)

I'm am looking for information of my grandmothers family . Her name was Elizabeth (Bet) turner . She married Francis Hubert Greening .

I know she had a brother Maurice and a sister Nora and one called Gladys . That is all the information I have
Oh also that I think she may have a connection to family who at some point went to Australia
I have found articles on someone searching for relatives . My gran moved to twyning after getting married
Thank you in advance
Jo Booth new Greening

Turner / Harper family Ruardean c1910

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, February 16, 2017, 21:21 (2925 days ago) @ Herbie007

Hi Jo, welcome to the forum & website.
You don't give any indication of dates, don't forget that we don't know your age, hence awkward to be sure abt yr grandparents. That said, your surnames aren't too commonplace, so hopefully will be straightforward to trace.

Currently the useful GlosBMD site is playing-up, so will use the FreeBMD site instead.
These sites should be accessible to you (are you in UK ?)


Surname First name(s) Mother/Spouse/Age District Vol Page
Marriages Mar 1937 (>99%)
Greening Francis H Turner Westbury S. 6a 618
Turner Elizabeth E Greening Westbury S. 6a 618

So marriage was registered in the Quarter of Jan, Feb or March of 1937, within the Westbury On Severn District aka the "eastern" side of the FoD area.

It appears that Francis is from the Tewkesbury area, mother nee Forth ?
I GUESS this explains their move to Twyning, near Tewkesbury, after marrying ?.

Surname First name(s) Mother/Spouse/Age District Vol Page
Births Sep 1915 (>99%)
Greening Francis H Forth Tewkesbury 6a 719

As they were born post 1911, FreeBMD should give their offspring fairly easily, although things are "clouded" as there's another Greening/Turner partnership in Cheltenham area... ?

Here are ALL the relevant Greening/Turner Births from FreeBMD. Given that Francis was from Tewkesbury, does this mean that the Births registered in Cheltenham maybe be your family too, or is it only the FoDean one we need worry about ?. There are also some Hammersmith records too, are these relevant ?
That said, we'll be going back in time so maybe not relevant for now.

Surname First name(s) Mother District Vol Page
Births Jun 1921 (>99%)
Greening Muriel M Turner Cheltenham 6a 881

Births Sep 1937 (>99%)
Greening Francis H Turner Cheltenham 6a 610

Births Dec 1940 (>99%)
Greening Trevor H Turner F.of Dean 6a 708

Births Sep 1946 (>99%)
Greening Stephen T Turner Cheltenham 7b 586



Similarly from FreeBMD, assuming Bet's from the Dean, we find this Record which seems a good fit datewise.

Surname First name(s) Mother/Spouse/Age District Vol Page
Births Mar 1917 (>99%)
Turner Elizabeth E Harper Westbury S. 6a 448

This looks a good possibility for her parents' marriage; it would be ideal if it's correct as that also "break"s us into the realm of the 10 yearly Census, the most recent that we can access being 1911, this should help us go back to the first in 1841.

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Dec 1909 (>99%)
HARPER Mary Ann Westbury S. 6a 589
TURNER Evan Westbury S. 6a 589

Which therefore lets us search all Births to Turner/Harper;
Not sure yet if these are ALL the same parents/family group, reassuring to see that several match the names you gave for Bet's siblings. It would be interesting for me to know whether you had their names from your own family records, or from research similar to this ?;

Surname First name(s) Mother District Vol Page

Births Dec 1912 (>99%)
TURNER Gladys Harper Westbury S. 6a 477

Births Mar 1917 (>99%)
Turner Elizabeth E Harper Westbury S. 6a 448

Births Sep 1921 (>99%)
TURNER Nora E Harper Westbury S. 6a 526

Births Mar 1923 (>99%)
Turner Evan R Harper Westbury S. 6a 472

Births Mar 1925 (>99%)
Turner Sidney W Harper Westbury S. 6a 420

Births Mar 1928 (>99%)
Turner Maurice L Harper Westbury S. 6a 413

Now we can also search for relevant Parish Records from this site's own Database, found from the blue banner menu across the top of the site's homepage, under "Resources".

Using the Advanced Search feature, can search for all Baptisms to parents named "Evan & Mary Turner", which helpfully find another which FreeBMD couldnt spot earlier as it's pre 1911.

Record_ID 164400
Entry_Number 644
Year 1910
Month Aug
Day 24
Parents_Surname TURNER
Child_Forenames Iris
Fathers_Forenames Evan
Mothers_Forenames Mary
Residence Ruardean Woodside East Dean Gloucester
Occupation Collier
Officiating_Minister J. H. Batt
Event Baptism
Memoranda Knight's Hill Chapel
Register_Reference D2598 5/6
Page_Number 111
Parish_Chapel Forest of Dean Bible Christian
Soundex T656

Record_ID: 164522
Entry_Number: 763
Year: 1912
Month: Oct
Day: 9
Parents_Surname: TURNER
Child_Forenames: Gladys
Fathers_Forenames: Evan
Mothers_Forenames: Mary Ann
Residence: East Dean Gloucester
Occupation: Collier
Officiating_Minister: W. J. Smeeth
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Knight's Hill Chapel
Notes: Born Sep 10 1912
Register_Reference: D2598 5/6
Page_Number: 128
Parish_Chapel: Forest of Dean Bible Christian
Soundex: T656

Record_ID: 1004998
Entry_Number: 81
Year: 1921
Month: Jun
Day: 26
Parents_Surname: TURNER
Child_Forenames: Norah Evelyn
Fathers_Forenames: Evan
Mothers_Forenames: Mary Ann
Residence: Ruardean Woodside
Occupation: [not stated
Officiating_Minister: F Geo Gatehouse
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Born May 29 1921
Register_Reference: D2598 2/13
Page_Number: 25
Parish_Chapel: Cinderford Methodist
Soundex: T656

Record_ID 1058330
Entry_Number 96
Year 1923
Month Mar
Day 1
Parents_Surname TURNER
Child_Forenames Evan Ralph
Fathers_Forenames Evan
Mothers_Forenames Mary Ann
Residence Ruardean Woodside
Occupation [not stated
Officiating_Minister F Geo Gatehouse
Event Baptism
Memoranda Born January 17 1923
Register_Reference D2598 2/13
Page_Number 28
Parish_Chapel Cinderford Methodist
Soundex T656

Record_ID 1059683
Entry_Number 123
Year 1925
Month Feb
Day 4
Parents_Surname TURNER
Child_Forenames Sidney William
Fathers_Forenames Evan
Mothers_Forenames Mary Ann
Residence Ruardean Woodside
Occupation [not stated
Officiating_Minister Frederick Balch
Event Baptism
Memoranda Born Jan 8 1925
Register_Reference D2598 2/13
Page_Number 35
Parish_Chapel Cinderford Methodist
Soundex T656

Evan TURNER born Ruardean abt 1892

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, February 16, 2017, 23:37 (2925 days ago) @ Jefff

This site's PRs only include Records for 3 Evan Turners, one is Elizabeth's brother Evan Ralph, as per baptism record on previous post.
Sadly, but not that unusual for the time, they also include this Burial;

Record_ID: 43304
Entry_Number: 6994
Year: 1924
Month: Oct
Day: 5
Surname: TURNER
Forenames: Evan Ralph
Residence: Gloucester Infirmary
Age_at_death: 20 months
Officiating_Minister: Edward Parnell Rector
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/14
Page_No: 76
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex: T656


This appears to be your Great Grandfather Evan.

Record_ID: 275275
Entry_Number: 553
Year: 1961
Month: Feb
Day: 11
Surname: TURNER
Forenames: Evan
Residence: Newham Bottom Ruardean
Age_at_death: 69 years
Officiating_Minister: Eric J Hoskin Rector
Event: Burial
Memoranda: C/3/2
Notes: Memo written in left margin appears to be grave number
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/33
Page_No: 70
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex: T656

So he was probably born abt 1892.

And probably his wife, your G-Grandmother, Mary Ann. (Register Reference suggests a shared plot).

Record_ID: 275343
Entry_Number: 620
Year: 1964
Month: Sep
Day: 3
Surname: TURNER
Forenames: Mary Ann
Residence: Newham Bottom Ruardean
Age_at_death: 72
Officiating_Minister: Julian Lloyd
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/33
Page_No: 78
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex: T656

So also born abt 1892 ?. Hopefully this will tie-up with the Census data later ?
Quick look at FreeBMD gives a few Births registered to this name in the area, but not within 15 years or so of this one, so this does looks promising (always cross-check, esp as not a rare name).

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Births Dec 1891 (>99%)
Harper Mary Ann Westbury S. 6a 246


He appears to be included on this photo of the Royal Oak Quoit Club Supper, from September 25th 1926. The Royal Oak beerhouse was near the Pludds, a hamlet next to Ruardean Woodside, on the western side of Ruardean Hill.

It seems likely that Evan knew my paternal Grandfather, Reginald William Jones who was born in this area in 1897. His father William Henry Jones was landlord of the Royal Oak c1903 and then the Masons Arms at nearby Hawsley after that.
See this prior thread for info abt the Royal Oak etc


On the subject of photos, this website has a fine selection which can be searched for names etc.

Searching "Turner" gave this one which MAY be of interest, "Oliver Turner born East Dean 1885, moved to La Salle, Illinois, USA in 1904".

Searching this site's PRs gives a Knights Hill aka Ruardean man, so he MAY be in your tree.

Record_ID: 252808
Entry_Number: 552
Year: 1886
Month: Jan
Day: 27
Parents_Surname: TURNER
Child_Forenames: Oliver
Fathers_Forenames: George
Mothers_Forenames: Elizabeth
Residence: East Dean
Occupation: Collier
Officiating_Minister: G Holmes
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: B C Chapel Knights Hill
Register_Reference: D2598 5/5
Parish_Chapel: Forest of Dean Bible Christian
Soundex: T656

Evan TURNER b Ruardean abt 1892, & parents

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, February 17, 2017, 01:47 (2925 days ago) @ Jefff

Another excellent free-access website is the FamilySearch site, which also includes the 10yearly UK Census; this enables us to find Evan and his family. By a lucky coincidence, it seems that Oliver (previous post) is Evan's older brother (although need to search in case there are other men of this name..).

Using https://familysearch.org

1901 Census; Ruardean Woodside, East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
George Turner Head M 57 Coal Hewer Below Ground. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Turner Wife F 52 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Leonard Turner Son M 18 Coal Hewer Below Ground. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Oliver Turner Son M 16 Belt Boy Below Ground. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Richard Turner Son M 13 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Evan Turner Son M 10 East Dean, Gloucestershire

So Evan's parents were George Turner born abt 1844 and Elizabeth born abt 1849.
Hopefully we can find their PRs within this FoD sites database.

Searching this site's Freeminer Register, we find just two Turners. I suspect both are related given their close location, one looks like our George.

Record_Number: 1510
Forename: George
Surname: TURNER
Calculated Year of Birth: 1847
Age: 28
Day: 29
Month: Jan
Year: 1875
Residence: Ruardean Hill
Remarks: Register of Baptism produced
Soundex: T656


The other is maybe his brother ? - yes, see 1851 Census with father William on next post.

Record_Number: 1542
Forename: William
Surname: TURNER
Calculated Year of Birth: 1840
Age: 35
Day: 12
Month: Feb
Year: 1875
Residence: Nailbridge
Remarks: Register of Baptism produced
Soundex: T656


The FamilySearch site also has the 1911 Census, altho not so helpfully presented, for more 1911 info really need to access one of the subscription websites. Luckily this weekend Ancestry's offering free access, so find;

1911; 5 room residence at Ruardean Woodside, Glos.

Name Relation to Head Birth Date Age Gender Marital Status Years Married Occupation Birth Place Address

Evan Turner Head 1891 20 Male Married 1 year. Colliery Hewer. Ruardean, Gloucestershire.
Mary A Turner Wife 1892 19 Female Married 1 year. Have had 1 child, still alive. Ruardean, Gloucestershire.
Iris R Turner Daughter 1910 9 months Female. Ruardean, Gloucestershire.

NOTE !: Yet again the Census has been transcribed to say that Iris was born in Oxfordshire. This is NOT the case.
After the form was very-neatly filled-in and signed by Evan, 1911 was the first Census residents filled their own forms in, a census official back at "head-office" has marked "OX" on the Census form in red ink. I've seen this many times for this area's forms, it does not mean Oxfordshire ! Transcription errors are not unusual.

FYI, the next door neighbours are widowed shopkeeper Clara Brain & children, and collier Timothy Nelmes & family.
I've downloaded the Census form image, if you contact me off-forum using the direct mail system, I can send it to you.


Continuing the search for Evan's parents George & Elizabeth;

1891 Census; Hawkwell Row, Holy Trinity Parish, East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
George Turner Head M 45 Coal miner. Gloucestershire, England
Elizth Turner Wife F 41 Gloucestershire, England
Jane Turner Daughter F 20 Single. General servant. Gloucestershire, England
Ruben Turner Son M 16 Coal miner. Gloucestershire, England
Sydney Turner Son M 15 Coal miner. Gloucestershire, England
George Turner Son M 10 Scholar. Gloucestershire, England
Leonard Turner Son M 9 Scholar. Gloucestershire, England
Oliver Turner Son M 5 Scholar. Gloucestershire, England
Richard Turner Son M 2 Gloucestershire, England
Turner Grandson M 0 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

Hawkwell Row was built for the workers at Hawkwell pit, which is situated at the base of Ruardean Hill on the far/south-eastern side from Ruardean. The Row is still there, for more details see this prior post

Holy Trinity is the formal name for what's known locally as the Forest Church, the first Church built within the "inner" Forest, situated on Harry aka Harrow Hill, Drybrook. This is no ore than 1/4 mile or so up the road from Hawkwell Terrace, when it was built the congregation would regularly walk there thro' the woods from as far away as the "new" town of Cinderford a mile away, before it had Churches.



1881 Census; East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
George Turner Head M 36 Coal miner. East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Elizabeth Turner Wife F 31 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Samuel Turner Son M 13 Scholar. East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
William Turner Son M 11 Scholar. East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Jane Turner Daughter F 8 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Reuben Turner Son M 6 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Sidney Turner Son M 4 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
George Turner Son M 1 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

(Need to see image of actual Census form to be able to pinpoin the address better).
UPDATED: Have found the image c/o Ancestry's free access this weekend. All I can confirm address-wise is that it's definitely on Ruardean Hill. This particular Census runs to 27 pages, the above is towards the end. Each page has maybe 7 households, about 4 pages before ours one household is the Roebuck beerhouse, see below, otherwise no clues apart from names. Virtually all the households are coal-miners. Next door to George is James Roberts' who may be in my bro-in-law's tree.

Roebuck Inn see http://www.forest-of-dean.net/fodmembers/index.php?mode=thread&id=37248#p37275

William TURNER born abt 1799

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, February 17, 2017, 01:48 (2925 days ago) @ Jefff

It's taken ages to find this household, presumably because George's given age is transcribed as 72, so missed my search limits. This seems unlikely wrt his job, and age of wife & children, I suspect the "72" was actually a "32".. ?

1871 Census; Ruardean, Herefordshire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
George Turner Head M 72 Coal miner. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Turner Wife F 22 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Samuel Turner Son M 3 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Albert W Turner Son M 1 East Dean, Gloucestershire

Have viewed the Census form image and, despite the handwriting being somewhat flowery, the given age for George is definitely "72". I stand to be corrected, but I can only assume this was given in error, perhaps he was out (at work?) when the official called to take the census, and he misheard what Elizabeth told him ?. Yes men did work into their old age, but not past 70, and with a family this young.


1861 Census; Reardean Hill, East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
William Turner Head M 60 Iron Miner. , ...
Maria Turner Wife F 51 Bristol, Gloucestershire
George Turner Son M 15 Iron Miner. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Maria Baldwin Servant F 50 Unmarried. House servant. East Dean, Gloucestershire

There was a relatively small iron ore mine at nearby Drybrook (Wigpool), but this side of the FoD was better served with coal mines which probably explains why William's job description changed with time. The link with Bristol maybe due to it's location downstream from the FoD via the River Severn, but it's probably because many miners moved from the coalfields in Bristol & North Somerset area to work in the Dean coalfield, and vice-versa.



1851 Census; East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
William Turner Head M 51 Coal Miner. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Maria Turner Wife F 42 Bristol, Gloucestershire
Jane Turner Daughter F 17 Unmarried. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Turner Daughter F 15 East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Turner Son M 13 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Harriott Turner Daughter F 11 East Dean, Gloucestershire
George Turner Son M 7 East Dean, Gloucestershire
James Turner Son M 4 East Dean, Gloucestershire


1841 Census; Upper Bilson, Dean Walk in Dean Forest, Little???, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Willam Terner M 40-44 Gloucestershire
Maria Terner F 30-34 Gloucestershire
Samuel Terner M 9 Gloucestershire
Jane Terner F 7 Gloucestershire
Elizabth Terner F 5 Gloucestershire
Willam Terner M 2 Gloucestershire

Upper Bilson is the early name for what became Lower Cinderford, 2 miles south of Ruardean Hill.

"Little???" is Littledean, an ancient village just east of Cinderford, but 240 metres below it, at the bottom of a steep hill & on the same level as the fertile Severn vale. Historically Littledean was the nearest village to the eastern side of the upper/inner Forest area, so more attractive to settlers for agriculture etc, hence was referred to on the Census as the place of local government. During the C19th & the arrival of industrial revolution into the upper/inner Forest, Cinderford grew from a few hamlets to a new town & overtook Littledean in size & local importance.


This is the only possible Marriage Record for Wm & Maria I can find in this site's PRs, but is it the correct one, maybe should be Bristol area ?;

Record_ID: 31434
Entry_Number: 54
Year: 1826
Month: Nov
Day: 25
Grooms_Surname: TURNER
Grooms_Forenames: William
Grooms_Age: [not
Groom_Condition: [not stated]
Grooms_Occupation: [not stated]
Grooms_Residence: the Parish of Ruerdean [Ruardean]
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: [not stated]
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: [not stated]
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Surname: LEEDHAM
Brides_Forenames: Maria
Brides_Age: [not
Brides_Condition: [not stated]
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: the Hundred of St Briavels
Brides_Fathers_Surname: [not stated]
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: [not stated]
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: [not stated]
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: [not stated]
Signature_or_Mark: He marks she signs
Witness_1: John Brain
Witness_2: Ann Brain
Officiating_Minister: Henry Berkin A M Curate
Event: Marriage
Page_Number: 18
Parish_Chapel: Hope Mansell
Soundex_Groom: T656
Soundex_Bride: L350



1871 Census; East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Amos Williams Head M 32 Collier. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Harriett Williams Wife F 30 East Dean, Gloucestershire
George Williams Son M 9 Scholar. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Emma Williams Daughter F 7 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Clara Williams Daughter F 4 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Samuel Williams Son M 2 East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Bosley Nephew M 13 Collier. East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Turner Father-in-law M 75 Collier. East Dean, Gloucestershire
Maria Turner Mother-in-law F 62 East Dean, Gloucestershire

Edward Beard Lodger M 26 Married. Collier. May Hill, Gloucestershire
Eliza Beard Lodger F 20 Married. May Hill, Gloucestershire
Edwin Beard Lodger M 0 May Hill, Gloucestershire

This is a very helpful household for piecing-together extended family.
Clearly Harriett Williams is Wm's daughter Harriet nee Turner, looks like she married and left their household c1858.

Oddly, altho I can find her Baptism in this site's PRs, cannot find her Marriage.
This may be it, from FreeBMD, altho only part of the record is available, so ?? ...

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Jun 1854 (>99%)
Williams Amos Monmouth 11a 69

William TURNER b c1799 & wife Maria; & George b c1847

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Saturday, February 18, 2017, 15:00 (2923 days ago) @ Jefff

This is the only possible Marriage Record for Wm & Maria I can find in this site's PRs, but is it the correct one, maybe should be Bristol area ?;

Record_ID: 31434
Entry_Number: 54
Year: 1826
Month: Nov
Day: 25
Grooms_Surname: TURNER
Grooms_Forenames: William
Grooms_Age: [not
Groom_Condition: [not stated]
Grooms_Occupation: [not stated]
Grooms_Residence: the Parish of Ruerdean [Ruardean]
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: [not stated]
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: [not stated]
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Surname: LEEDHAM
Brides_Forenames: Maria
Brides_Age: [not
Brides_Condition: [not stated]
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: the Hundred of St Briavels
Brides_Fathers_Surname: [not stated]
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: [not stated]
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: [not stated]
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: [not stated]
Signature_or_Mark: He marks she signs
Witness_1: John Brain
Witness_2: Ann Brain
Officiating_Minister: Henry Berkin A M Curate
Event: Marriage
Page_Number: 18
Parish_Chapel: Hope Mansell
Soundex_Groom: T656
Soundex_Bride: L350

Ref my above post, in which I stated this was the only possible record I could find for William's marriage within this site's PRs. Well it seems that this isn't the correct marriage for our William, as I've just found this prior thread in which Jim Ashton states he married Maria James; Jim also adds extra detail to George Turner's wife Elizabeth whose Census data I posted earlier in this thread.
Thanks Jim !

"The parents of William Turner 1833 were William Turner 1801 & Maria James who had 7 children including George Turner born 1845 who married Elizabeth Marfell 28.6.1849, illegitimate daughter of Abia Marfell 1830."

see http://www.forest-of-dean.net/fodmembers/index.php?id=9518

Evan TURNER cont'd, Army Reservist, & father George.

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, February 17, 2017, 02:54 (2925 days ago) @ Jefff

Tried finding Baptism Records for William's children, but no luck so far in this site's database, they don't seem to have been regular Churchgoers.

However I think this is George's (Evan's father's) marriage, it fits nicely, and gives a likely link into the Matthews family who are with William & Maria in the 1871 Census, see next post.

Record_ID 37517
Entry_Number 499
Year 1867
Month Oct
Day 13
Grooms_Surname TURNER
Grooms_Forenames George
Grooms_Age 22
Groom_Condition Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation Collier
Grooms_Residence East Dean
Grooms_Fathers_Surname Turner
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames William
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation Collier
Brides_Surname MARFELL
Brides_Forenames Elizabeth
Brides_Age 19
Brides_Condition Spinster
Brides_Residence East Dean
Brides_Fathers_Surname [not stated]
Brides_Fathers_Forenames [not stated]
Brides_Fathers_Occupation [not stated]
Licence_or_Banns Banns
Signature_or_Mark Both mark
Witness_1 Mark of James Matthews
Witness_2 Lydia Marfell
Officiating_Minister T. G. Smythies
Event Marriage
Register_Reference P85/1 IN 1/4
Page_Number 250
Parish_Chapel Cinderford St John
Soundex_Groom T656
Soundex_Bride M614

Witness James Matthews is probably the same man(with wife Esther & family) who's living next-door to George & family in the 1871 Census posted earlier.


The FamilySearch site also gives a glimpse into Evan Turner's WW1 Service in the British Army. Given the spread of his children's births, I'd already guessed he was probably away during the War.

Name Evan Turner
Event Type Military Service
Event Year 1908
Age 17
Military Company/Regiment Herefordshire Regiment
Military Regimental Number 480
Birth Year (Estimated) 1891
Birthplace East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

Again, using this weekend's free access to Ancestry can search for his Army Records, can find the source of the above info. This is an Attestation form for Evan, dated 24 July 1908. He has signed-up for 4 Years Service with the Territorial Force, in the Herefordshire Battalion. In other words, as Europe is expecting War and the British Regular Army is very small, many young men are spending their spare time learning to be soldiers, just in case. The form shows Evan is a collier, employed at Trafalgar Colliery, single and residing Ruardean Woodside. His age is 17 yrs 0 months, height 5'4", chest 33" girth with 2" expansion, "good" vision and "capacious" physical development.
The next form shows he did preliminary training, then attended annual training every year until 1913 (these were summer camps). He was then embodied into the 1st Battalion Herefords on 5.8.1914, but was discharged 25.9.1914, having been found "medically unfit". My gut feel is he probably re-volunteers or is conscripted at a later date, when the War's dragging and every man is needed, I'll look for more records on Ancestry or National Archives site.

Again, if you want them but cannot access the site yourself (free at UK public libraries, for example), I've downloaded the images for you, pls email me.

UPDATE: I've revisited the WW1 Army Records on Ancestry and found some records that MAY be your Evan's. However apart from a name, they give little background information to tie him to our Evan. Sadly a large part of the WW1 records were lost during WW2, and some of the remaining records only bear initials of first names, so easy to confuse. The Record I've found and downloaded is a Medal Roll entry for the Royal Engineers, as follows;

Name: Evan Turner
Military Year: 1914-1920
Rank: Sapper
Medal Awarded: British War Medal and Victory Medal
Regiment or Corps: Royal Engineers
Regimental Number: 310740
Previous Units: Middx Rgt, 25332, Pte., Labour Corps, 403974, Royal Engineers, 310740

Labour Corps often includes men who wern't considered young or fit enough for front-line fighting. As the War became bogged-down into Trenches the Army realised they needed specialist tunnellers, they were part of the Royal Engineers and were often drawn from miners, many Dean Forest miners joined Tunnelling Battalions. Hence it seems possible this MAY be your Evan. The fact he MAY have joined the Middlesex Regiment isn't significant. The other Records on his page, and the other pages in the book, all show men from mixed Regimental backgrounds who have finally become Sappers. I've searched FreeBMD for all Birth records for all Evan Turners throughout the country, and it's true there are quite a few who could have been WW1 soldiers, including one born in London "hence" Middlesex Reg't, perhaps; but we just don't know for sure, yet ??.


If you want further information about the info you discover about your ancestors, for example regarding their occupational jobs in the Census, or indeed almost any other general F.H. queries, please first search this forum and you will invariably find these and most other questions have already been covered on prior threads. You may also find other people have researched parts of your tree.
As you can see, by just repeatedly searching this site's PRs, and the free access FreeBMD & FamilySearch websites, you can build your tree quite extensively. Just takes time and a little care to check each finding seems a logical fit compared to the others, just in case you've accidentally found someone who shares similar name but isn't actually the person you're looking for.

Oliver TURNER etc from Ruardean => Illinois, USA

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Saturday, February 18, 2017, 02:00 (2924 days ago) @ Jefff

Ref my previous post abt Oliver Turner who emigrated to the USA. Well, on finding that photo (on this site!) I should clearly have then immediately searched for him on this forum !...
Regular poster & owner of the photo Jim Ashton confirmed my findings in 2010, saying
"Oliver Turner b. 15.10.1885 East Dean my 2C2R. Emigrated to USA 1904. Son of George Turner b. 1845 East Dean & Elizabeth Marfell (1C3R) b. 28.6.1849 Ruardean."
see http://www.forest-of-dean.net/fodmembers/index.php?mode=thread&id=22663

Perhaps this is your ancestor you believed went to Australia ?

Oliver and the others presumably moved from Ruardean to the USA for work, as did many from the FoD, in this case drawn by La Salle's numerous coal-mines.

Being a U.S. website, FamilySearch gives free access to the US Census etc, including photo images of the actual documents which are worth viewing as give more detail than the transcription pages.
Hopefully this link will take you to my findings, which may include details of his imigration into the USA, wrt shipping passenger lists.

From the above can find;

1920 US Census, La Salle Township, La Salle, Illinois, United States.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
William Morman Head M 36 Illinois
Ada Morman Wife F 35 England
Elsie Morman Daughter F 12 Illinois
Mabelle Morman Daughter F 10 Illinois
Danoin Morman Son M 1 Illinois
Amos Gibbs Father M 64 England
Oliver Turner Boarder M 34 England

All coal miners, more info on the detailed Census form, see

1930 US Census, Harrisburg, Saline, Illinois, United States.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Benjamin Knight Head M 45 England
Mable Knight Wife F 34 England
Stanley Knight Son M 12 ILLINOIS
Oliver Turner Cousin M 45 England

Still all coal miners.

1940 US Census, Harrisburg Township, Saline, Illinois, United States.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Ben Knight Head M 52 England
Mabel Knight Wife F 44 England
Mary Lou Knight Daughter F 8 Illinois
Oliver Turner Cousin-in-law M 53 England

Different jobs now, mines all worked-out ? Oliver is single.

United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
Name Oliver Turner
Event Type Draft Registration
Event Date 1942
Event Place Harrisburg, Saline, Illinois, United States
Residence Place Harrisburg, Saline, Illinois
Gender Male
Employer W.P.A. Oliver/Turner
Birth Date 15 Oct 1885


On the 1940 Census & this Draft Card Oliver is recorded as a Labourer for the W.P.A.
see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Works_Progress_Administration


UPDATE: Apologies to Jim Ashton et al, it comes as no surprise to see that this forum has already discussed the general subject of Oliver and other FoD miners moving to Illinois. Please see these prior threads;

When finding the UK Census' for the Turners I noticed several of the neighbouring households were Marfells,

And this thread abt the Turners in Illinois. I'm a little disappointed I didn't find this thread before starting this post, I did search the forum for prior threads about the Turners and unlikely as it seems I didn't find this one. Ah well, always good to have more than one source of reference ;)

Amos Gibbs

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Sunday, February 19, 2017, 11:23 (2922 days ago) @ Jefff

You mentioned Amos Gibbs who, apparently is my "husband of sister-in-law of 2nd great-uncle" - if that makes sense.

I only know of him because, in 1881, he was shot by one Thomas Trump who is the above mentioned 2nd great-uncle of mine. Amos was seriously injured to his face and lost an eye. Thomas was Amos' brother in law and it seems it was all a misunderstanding. Plenty of information around if anyone is interested. It happened in Ruardean.

Thomas got 1 month hard labour for the crime which he spent in Littledean jail.

Both men moved to the USA and remained friends despite what happened. Amos died in 1929. Thomas in 1919. Can't find it at the moment but I'm sure I have a report of Thomas' burial that mentions Amos attended.

Mary Ann HARPER b Ruardean abt 1892, and parents.

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Saturday, February 18, 2017, 15:59 (2923 days ago) @ Jefff

So also born abt 1892 ?. Hopefully this will tie-up with the Census data later ?
Quick look at FreeBMD gives a few Births registered to this name in the area, but not within 15 years or so of this one, so this does looks promising (always cross-check, esp as not a rare name).

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Births Dec 1891 (>99%)
Harper Mary Ann Westbury S. 6a 246

Now searching for Evan's wife Mary. We know she died at Newham Bottom in 1964 aged abt 72, which fits the birth above. Sadly cannot find their full Marriage Record within this site's PRs, so no clues wrt her parents etc.
GlosBMD also has the following Record, but that site's not fully working, so doesn't give the Date or Place !. FreeBMD shows they registered their marriage in the Westbury on Severn District in late 1909.

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Dec 1909 (>99%)
HARPER Mary Ann Westbury S. 6a 589
TURNER Evan Westbury S. 6a 589

Searching for Mary's Baptism in this site's PRs give's this likely hit;

Record_ID: 58520
Entry_Number: 440
Year: 1891
Month: Sep
Day: 27
Parents_Surname: HARPER
Child_Forenames: Mary Ann
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Ann
Residence: Ruardean
Occupation: Collier
Officiating_Minister: E Bailey-Churchill
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/8
Page_Number: 55
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex: H616


FamilySearch site gives these good Census fits for Mary's parents;

1891; Hawkwell Row, Holy Trinity Parish, East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
William Harper Head M 27 Coal miner. Ruardean, Gloucestershire, England
Ann Harper Wife F 25 Warton, Herefordshire, England
Florence Harper Daughter F 5 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Gertrude Harper Daughter F 2 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

So Mary was born a few months after this, parents living at bottom of Ruardean Hill, as detailed in an earlier post.

There is an Old Wharton Farm near Pontshill on this 1888 map, just south of Ryford & Weston Under Penyard; think it's now holiday cottages ?
See this 1888 map, sorry I couldnt find one OS map with all these places on.


1901; Newham Bottom, East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
William Harper Head M 38 Coal miner. Ruardean, Gloucestershire
Annie Harper Wife F 35 Ryford, Herefordshire
Gerty Harper Daughter F 13 Pludds, Gloucestershire
Mary Harper Daughter F 9 Pludds, Gloucestershire
Richard Harper Son M 6 Pludds, Gloucestershire
Minnie Harper Daughter F 3 Pludds, Gloucestershire

Newham Bottom is the west side of Ruardean Hill towards the Pludds.
Ryeford is about 4 miles due north, near Weston under Penyard on the Ross road.

So Wm was born Ruardean abt 1864, and Annie at Ryford/Wharton nr Weston-u-Penyard abt 1866.


1911; 4 Roomed Household at Newham Bottom, Ruardean Woodside, Glos
Name Relation to Head Birth Date Age Gender Marital Status Years Married Occupation Birth Place Address
William Harper Head 1866 45 Male Married. Horse Worker(Under Ground) Colliery. Ruardean
Annie Harper Wife 1868 43 Female Married. 25 years, 8 children, 8 living. At Home. Hereford
Richard Harper Son 1895 16 Male Single Horse Worker(Under Ground) Colliery. Ruardean, Woodside, East Dean
Leonard Harper Son 1906 5 Male Ruardean, Woodside, East Dean
Minnie Harper Daughter 1898 13 Female Ruardean, Woodside, East Dean
Elizabeth Harper Daughter 1903 8 Female Ruardean, Woodside, East Dean
Harvey Harper Son 1909 2 Male Ruardean Woodside, East Dean

Searching this forum for prior posts shows a mention for Richard & parents;


Possibles ? for Mary's father William b abt 1864;
From FreeBMD;

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Births Sep 1861 (>99%)
HARPER William Gloucester 6a 254

Births Jun 1863 (>99%)
HARPER William Henry Ross 6a 449

Births Sep 1866 (>99%)
Harper William Monmouth 11a 26

From PRs;

Record_ID: 146548
Entry_Number: 64
Year: 1866
Month: Aug
Day: 21
Parents_Surname: HARPER
Child_Forenames: William
Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Mothers_Forenames: Ann
Residence: Parkend
Occupation: Blacksmith
Officiating_Minister: Jno. Josh Elsworth Incumbent
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P245 IN 1/12
Page_Number: 8
Parish_Chapel: Parkend
Soundex: H616



From FamilySearch / Ancestry;

1881; 3 Grove Street, Gloucester Barton St Mary, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Ann Harper Head F 56 Widow. Bream St. James, England
Peter I Harper Son M 22 Engin Fitter. Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
Elizabeth Harper Daughter F 19 Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
Arther D Harper Son M 17 Aprentice. Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
William Harper Son M 14 Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England

1871; Mosley Green, West Dean, Monmouthshire, Wales.
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Thomas Harper Head M 57 Blacksmith. Ruardean, Gloucestershire
Ann Harper Wife F 46 West Dean, Gloucestershire
Peter James Harper Son M 12 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary Ann Elizabeth Harper Daughter F 10 East Dean, Gloucestershire
Walter Dew Harper Son M 7 West Dean, Gloucestershire
William Harper Son M 4 West Dean, Gloucestershire



Mary Ann Harper's parents, William & Ann, cont.

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Saturday, February 18, 2017, 16:55 (2923 days ago) @ Jefff


1871; Ruardean, Ruardean, Herefordshire, England
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Richard Harper Head M 60 Butcher. Ruardean, Gloucestershire
Mary Harper Wife F 55 Shirehampton, Gloucestershire
William Henry Harper Grandson M 7 Ruardean, Gloucestershire


Record_ID: 274882
Entry_Number: 161
Year: 1941
Month: Apr
Day: 12
Surname: HARPER
Forenames: William Henry
Residence: Newham Bottom Woodside
Age_at_death: 77 yrs
Officiating_Minister: J F Hilder Rector
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/33
Page_No: 21
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex: H616

Aged 77, so born abt 1864, good fit wrt the 1871 Census above, and our area.



Searching this site's PRs gives this likely marriage for William & Ann, the ages etc fit nicely;

Record_ID: 20906
Entry_Number: 15
Year: 1884
Month: Oct
Day: 7
Grooms_Surname: HARPER
Grooms_Forenames: William
Grooms_Age: 21
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Coal miner
Grooms_Residence: Ruardean Woodside
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Harper
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Mary
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Surname: BENT
Brides_Forenames: Ann
Brides_Age: 20
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Ruardean Woodside
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Bent
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Timothy
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Coal miner
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: [not stated]
Signature_or_Mark: Both sign
Witness_1: Aaron Baldwin
Witness_2: Emily Bent
Officiating_Minister: William Barker Vicar
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P109 IN 1/8
Page_Number: 8
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook
Soundex_Groom: H616
Soundex_Bride: B530

NB: I also searched for ALL UK marriages twixt "Wm Harper" & "Ann"'s using FreeBMD, the only local records was this;

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Dec 1884 (>99%)
BENT Anne Westbury S. 6a 479
HARPER William Westbury S. 6a 479

so confirms the above marriage PR is ours.


NB: Earlier I mentioned an excellent book abt the people & history of Ruardean Hill called "The Highest Point of Dean", I've been reading it while writing these posts. It was written in 1985 by a very active local historian and son of Ruardean Hill, Maurice Bent. The book states his father was Timothy Bent, searching this name in FreeBMD shows he married Maurice's mother in 1933. There is another local record for a Death of Timothy Bent aged 60 in 1902; at a guess I suspect this may be Maurice's Grandfather and the father of Bride Ann in the above Marriage ?.

This site's PRs confirm;

Record_ID: 42759
Entry_Number: 6449
Year: 1902
Month: Apr
Day: 13
Surname: BENT
Forenames: Timothy
Residence: Ruardean Woodside
Age_at_death: 60 years
Officiating_Minister: Edw[ard] Parnell Rector
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/14
Page_No: 8
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex: B530

Record_ID: 156879
Entry_Number: 519
Year: 1841
Month: May
Day: 9
Parents_Surname: BENT
Child_Forenames: Timothy
Fathers_Forenames: James
Mothers_Forenames: Ann
Residence: Weston
Occupation: Labourer
Officiating_Minister: William Nevins Off[iciating] Minister
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Son of
Register_Reference: AA33/5
Page_Number: 65
Parish_Chapel: Weston under Penyard
Soundex: B530

(So very near to Ryford, Ann's possible birthplace).

No Marriage record for him in the PRs, but FreeBMD suggests he married one of the following two ladies;

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Dec 1858 (>99%)
Bent Timothy Ross 6a 921
Green Charlotte Ross 6a 921
Meadman Alice Ross 6a 921
Meadmore Alice Ross 6a 921

Unfortunately this doesn't fit the following Baptism which I suspected was our Ann's !


Record_ID: 157299
Entry_Number: 138
Year: 1865
Month: May
Day: 7
Parents_Surname: BENT
Child_Forenames: Anne
Fathers_Forenames: Timothy
Mothers_Forenames: Marianne
Residence: Weston
Occupation: Labourer
Officiating_Minister: E B Hawkeshaw
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: AA33/6
Page_Number: 18
Parish_Chapel: Weston under Penyard
Soundex: B530

So more work needed, will be edited...

Turner family Ruardean

by jimashton @, Tuesday, March 07, 2017, 17:06 (2906 days ago) @ Herbie007

Hi Jo

My main interest is the Marfell family and the grandmother of Elizabeth Emily Greening nee Turner born 26 Feb 1917 was Elizabeth Marfell born 28 June 1849 who married George Turner born 1845, on 13 Oct 1867 at St Johns Church West Dean. I have Elizabeth Marfells birth, marriage and death certificate, also George Turners death certificate.

Elizabeth Marfell was the illegitimate daughter of Abia Marfell born 1830 - my Great Great Great Aunt. Her parents - one of my Great,Great,Great Grandparents were Thomas Marfell 1895 and Elizabeth Herbert 1808

Elizabeth Emily Greenings parents were Evan William Turner 1891 & Mary Ann Harper 1891 she had 8 siblings, which I won't detail here but if you are able to read PDF documents I can send you all this by email, if you email me.

Evan William Turner had a brother Leonard who had 7 children including Leonard James Turner MBE. He had a daughter (my 4th cousin) who became my main Australian contact who I met in Perth, Australia in 2008 and she came to the UK where we met again some years later when I drove her around the Forest of Dean. She has researched the Greening Family.

I can also let you have Elizabeth Emily Turners Birth, Marriage & Death certificate, also Francis Hubert Greenings birth certificate if you haven't already got them, this again will require you to email me direct.

Jim Ashton

Turner family Ruardean

by Janmunro, Saturday, March 30, 2024, 00:50 (327 days ago) @ Herbie007

my name is Jan Munro my grandmother was Alice R turner her father was Joseph his father was Allington Robert wife Sarah Mills they were married Uley, Dursley Gloucestershire UK. they arrived in Australia on the ship Lord Hungerfored 1855 paying 1 pound each. Allington had other brothers who also followed him to Australia with their families...Brothers names were William, Richard, James, Charles, etc... sadly one of the brothers and his family drowned when their ship sunk in Sydney harbour...It appears there were a lot of Turner families that lived all around the area of Gloucestershire area possible brothers, cousins etc...
if you feel we have a connection please contact me...
thanking you

Allington TURNER 1831 Uley

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, April 02, 2024, 13:37 (323 days ago) @ Janmunro

First name(s) Joseph
County Gloucestershire
Last name Turner
Country England
Year 1795
Volume Gloucestershire Marriage Registers, Vol 2
Event date 22 Apr 1795
Record set England, Phillimore Marriage Registers, 1531-1913
Spouse's first name(s) Ann
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Spouse's last name Shurmur
Subcategory Parish Marriages

First name(s) Joseph
Place Uley
Last name Turner
County Gloucestershire
Birth year 1798
Country England
Baptism year 1798
Record set Gloucestershire Baptisms
Baptism date 27 May
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Father's first name(s) Joseph
Subcategory Parish Baptisms
Mother's first name(s) Ann
Collections from England, Great Britain

First name(s) Allington
Father's first name(s) Joseph
Last name Turner
Father's last name Turner
Sex Male
Mother's first name(s) Rebeckah
Baptism year 1831
Record set England Births & Baptisms 1538-1975
Baptism date 04 Sep 1831
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Place Uley
Subcategory Parish Baptisms

1841 Uley, Dursley,

Joseph Turner Male 42 1799 Gloucestershire, England
Rebecca Turner Female 41 1800 Gloucestershire, England
Allington Turner Male 10 1831 Gloucestershire, England
William Turner Male 5 1836 Gloucestershire, England
Sarah Turner Female 3 1838 Gloucestershire, England

1851 Uley
Cornelius Holder Head Unmarried Male 59 1792 School master Uley, Gloucestershire, England
Ann Turner Head Widow Female 80 1771 Widow pauper Nibley, Gloucestershire, England
Joseph Turner Son Widower Male 52 1799 Ag labourer Uley, Gloucestershire, England
Algernon Turner Son Unmarried Male 19 1832 Ag labourer Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
William H Turner Son Unmarried Male 16 1835 Ag labourer Owlpen, Gloucestershire, England
Sarah Turner Daughter - Female 14 1837 - Uley, Gloucestershire, England

Marriages Sep 1854 (>99%)
MILLS Sarah Dursley 6a 339
TURNER Allington Dursley 6a 339

Groom Surname Groom Forename Bride Surname Bride Forename District Parish Building Year Register Entry
TURNER Allington MILLS Sarah Stroud Dursley Register Office Closed 6 Mar 1937 1854 DUR/RR/2 167

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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