John Cooksey of Ledbury born approx 1750 (General)

by HistoryDXer, Monday, April 17, 2023, 13:11 (673 days ago)

I am looking for the parents of John Cooksey, born approx 1750 in Ledbury.

John was a local 'Surgeon Apothecary' who in 1779 was described as a 'Master' and registered an apprentice by the name of Daniel Price.

John had married Ann(e) Haynes on 23rd April 1772, whose father Walter Haynes had been Mayor and Sheriff of Worcester in approz 1760.

John and Ann had five children, the youngest of which married the Hon. Henry David Erskine.

It is likely therefore that the Cooksey family were of a reasonable stature both locally and beyond.

But ... I can find no trace of John's parents whatsoever, which is puzzling, given the position in the community he must have held.

Any advice/guidance/pointers/help would be very gratefully received.

Thank you for reading.

John Cooksey of Ledbury born approx 1750

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, April 17, 2023, 20:09 (673 days ago) @ HistoryDXer

If you search:


for : John COOKSEY Ledbury

There are articles different dates.

One: Charles Thomas ERSKINE, Alexander Penrose Forbes (bp of Brechin) - 1864

'His Mother, Mary Anne COOKFEY, was a daughter of John COOKFEY, a phyfician of fome note in the town in Ledbury, in the county of Hereford, and a member of a family which, used the different names of COOKES, COOKFEY, or COCKS, has produced more than one perfon of eminence: Sir Thomas COOKES, founder of Worcefter College, Oxford, may be mentioned as an example; the noble house of Somers Cocks is alfo defcended from a branch of this family'

John Cooksey of Ledbury born approx 1750

by HistoryDXer, Monday, April 17, 2023, 20:15 (673 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thank you for replying and these suggestions.

I'll look into this tomorrow, when I can grab some time and will let you know how I get on.

John Cooksey of Ledbury born approx 1750

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, April 17, 2023, 20:22 (673 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Hereford Journal : Thursday 27 November 1783


MRS COOKSEY, respectfully acquaints her Friends and the Publick, that she intends opening
A SCHOOL, for the education of YOUNG LADIES, on Monday the 20th January.

Her terms of board, including English and all the various kinds of needlework, Thirteen Guineas a year, and One Guinea entrance.

Bills to be drawn out half-yearly, and all charges made by the quarter.

John Cooksey of Ledbury born approx 1750

by HistoryDXer, Monday, April 17, 2023, 20:38 (673 days ago) @ MPGriffiths



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