Plump Hill sheep arches and King smallholding in 1930s (General)

by amaska @, Saturday, April 14, 2012, 11:26 (4657 days ago)


Does anyone about stone arches built into slight hills that made a shelter for sheep in times past? Yesterday we drove past two of them by the side of the road called the Rocks on Plump Hill. My mother recalled their use in the 1930s for the sheep. When it was raining or cold she says the sheep would go into the holes created by the arches. I have give a link to a photograph of the two we saw yesterday below. They are no longer in use as the arches are now close to the road surface, as well as not being near any fields containing sheep!

It would be very useful to me to know of any others as they could help my mother identify where she stayed as a convalescent child, somewhere on or very near to Plump Hill, in the 1930s.

If you click on this link you will see a small photograph of the two sheep arches, and if you click on it again it becomes much larger so you can see all the detail:

My mother believes she stayed in a cottage that was part of a smallholding, possibly belonging to her Uncle and Aunt Sidney and Edith King.

Thank you for looking and for any help you can give - either to let me know of any other sheep arches nearby, or to give me any information on the King smallholding.

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