Plump Hill School, was part of The Wilderness Centre (General)

by amaska @, Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 16:33 (4660 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks to Essie, Jeff and slowhands re Plump School.

I'm glad it's still in use and will ask my mother next time I can drive her down from Cheshire if she has any memories of second cousins being at school there.

My quest for the house continues. I know that Sidney and Edith King were described as living on the Rocks in 1922 and it could be their house that my mother stayed at about 10 years later.

Tow other possibilities are the house occupied by Sidney's parents Henry and Lucy King or the house occupied by his elder brother George King in 1911. In 1911 Sidney still lived with his parents Henry and Lucy King. It would be easier to work out where Henry and Lucy King, and George King's family were in the 1911 census if the apparent route of the enumerator hadn't gone all over the hill and down to the vale below in what seems like a zig-zag fashion to someone like me who doesn't really understand the geography!

George was described as at Hazel Hill and Henry and Lucy were described as at Plump Hill - 7 houses apart (14 pages of the census). 14 houses on from Henry and Lucy was the Nags Head Inn, Plump, and a further 3 houses on was Beech House, a "small sweet shop". 6 houses on from this was Hill View House, Plump Hill. 5 houses later the enumerator was on Jubilee Road. Then the houses are back on Plump Hill, and then on Glencoe Lane, then back to Plump Hill, including the Point, Edgehill House and then onto Fairplay Cottages, ending with Gunn Mills?

Thanks again for all your help.

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