House on or near the Plump, Mitcheldean (General)

by amaska @, Monday, April 23, 2012, 11:23 (4662 days ago) @ Jefff

Hi Jefff

Thank you very much for adding lots of useful information and giving me some leads to follow up. Thank you to you and slowhands for explaining that the arches my mother saw sheep use as shelters weren't originally built for that purpose and were limekilns. I have tried to find a systematic survey of disused limekilns that remain - perhaps the local history society will be able to tell me if there is such a thing.

In the meantime please could you clear up for me one of the geographical details that is eluding me - where is "The Point"? I have looked at the old maps site as well as my up to date map and can see things like "The Wilderness", but not this term.

Many thanks again - I will obtain the article you describe.

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