New Members Web site (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, July 26, 2007, 04:54 (6431 days ago)

Members Web site

The popularity of the Forest of Dean Family History Web site continues to grow
each day. During the past year over 2,000 people have registered for the Members
Area which contains the transcribed Parish and Non-conformist records of the
Forest of Dean.

We are continually adding to the database and our aim is to make available the
transcribed, Baptism, Marriage and Burial records of all the Parish Churches and
Non-conformist Chapels within the Forest of Dean. Plus many bordering
Herefordshire Parish Church records.

In order to successfully cater for the additional data and demand in viewing the
records, a new Web Site has been established for this purpose.

For those of you who were registered with the previous Members Area, you will
have to do a new Sign-Up as we are using a new registration system. This means
that your old username and password will no longer work until you do a new
registration. Sorry, for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any difficulties logging into the site, please make sure you have
read the Help FAQ pages before asking for assistance as it will often answer the
question(s) you might have. This will save yourself and others a lot of time.

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