New Members Web site (General)

by jimashton @, Monday, July 30, 2007, 02:49 (6427 days ago) @ admin

Since changing over to the new web site, I have noted a change that is a bit of a (minor) nuisance, and can no doubt be easily corrected.

When searching the parish records, if you are searching for say a marriage of a Roberts, you used to be able to select the surname, enter a requirement for marriage, all parishes, with a range of plus or minus 10 years, then if the correct one not found, you could opt to return to the previous page, or select back arrow, and the previously selected search criteria was still there. If continuing to search using the same surname and details you could then alter just "say" the year or christian name and search again. Now you have to enter all details for every search, as returning to the previous page has all fields blank.

Remember me - for log in passwords also doesn't work.

I feel almost guilty at pointing out such minor problems when the facility is so useful, but thought that perhaps this teething problem could be resolved if you knew about it.


Jim Ashton

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