Minor nuisance (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, July 30, 2007, 06:38 (6427 days ago) @ jimashton

Jim and S

The two minor concerns you mention are both browser related and are not caused by the Web site.

Previously the search form was on a static html page and so were a number of other other pages for Members Area and the whole Members Area was getting to a stage where we had to go to a better way of doing it all.

The Members Web site is now using a CMS program to deliver the web pages. It is now far more manageable and efficient than it was before and we will be able to easily update and handle the increased usage which we getting all the time.

When using the search form some web browsers will display the form details of what has been entered previously when returning to the page using the back button, others will not.

Internet Explorer will not retain the information.

The Apple Safari browser does retain the information and you will also find that this browser really does fly and is very sleek. (Though I will admit at being somewhat prejudice with Macintosh being my favourite operating system.)

Your other concern of the browser remembering your username and password can easily be fixed. I assume you are using Internet Explorer, if so go to Internet Options -> Content -> AutoComplete Settings and make sure all the four boxes you see there are checked. These details are for IE 7, from memory IE 6 is the same or similar. It would be advisable at the same time to delete your cookies and other stored information the browser collects. Close your browser, restart your browser and that function will work for you.

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