Members Website - problem (General)

by monfamilies, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 00:39 (6273 days ago)

Hi All Members

I wish to ask other members, as I dont seem to be getting anywhere with the admin. if you are experiencing any problems when adding surnames to the ADD SURNAMES feature in the Members Website.

First of all I have been using the Internet for over 10 years, and been a member of hundreds of Forums where you need to Sign in & out with a username & password. My Yahoo group has the same feature. I also have a good understanding of how computers work, and I know that a feature in Interent Options allows you delete cookies and passwords which stops your browser from remembering websites you have visited.

On the F.O.D website you have to have a seperarte password to post messages on this Forum than you do to use features on the Members Website, personally I dont see the point especially as it is a FREE website, but that is not for me to decide.

Okay so I have explained that I have some basic understanding of how to log in to this site, I am writing this message so that means I am logged in to the Forum, I am also logged in to the Members Website which should mean I can use all features available. I have searched the parish records this morning and have also searched the surname database, but when I want to add my own surnames to the database, I am being asked for my username & password. This should NOT be happening, as I am already logged in to the Members Website. When I write in my username & password I get a 401 error which means the site does not recognice me, but I can still use other features in the Members Website.

There is something wrong with this part of the website, you dont have to be a rocket scientist to work this out. I will state it again if I am logged in to the Members Website and can use features such as parish records and the surname database, then why cant I add my own surnames, unless you need another password to activate just this feature, because that is how it appears to me.

All I am asking members to do is try it out and tell me if you get the same problem, I will also send an email to anyone if they wish via the surname database, to show you I am logged in.

Please Admin do not lock this message, I wish to get the experience of other members to resolve this problem I am having.

Thanks Mike

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