Problem appears to be solved (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 22:57 (6272 days ago) @ Barbara Lloyd

As you no doubt will be aware as you have been using a computer for a number of
years that everything does not always work in harmony and conflicts occur and
very often that causes a program to freeze or crash and so on.

Now enter the world of a Web site server and the Internet and the possible
conflicts multiply a hundred fold as we have to cater for so many things, such
as people accessing with different operating systems, browsers, security
software and much more.

In this instance some people are unable to access a particular web page, others
have no problems getting to it. So I ask a few questions to determine why this
is so in order to try and pin point what is causing it to be like this.

Next step is to work out from the information I received what was stopping
access to this page and if I can change some configuration on my side to prevent
this happening. I believe I discovered the reason and I've made some changes so
we are now back in harmony.

A couple of people who previously could not access the page have tested
accessing it again since I made the changes and their reports back are that
everything is now working fine.

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