Members Website - problem (General)

by monfamilies, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 05:12 (6273 days ago) @ monfamilies


I dont wish to get in to arguement over this simple issue, but with a few other people experiencing the same problem why are you trying to put the blame on the equipment we are using, it is obvious the problem lies with you at your end.

I really think you have overcomplicated the way members access this website. I am a member of quite a few other forums, and the process of logging in & out of a website/forum is not that difficult to understand.

Operating systems, Browsers & Firewalls are not going to effect the way you join a web forum or log in & out of one. I in fact have XP and run Zone Alram and use IE7.

What I dont understand is that you are simply ignoring the fact we can access the members website and use all the features except adding surnames. so dont you think that is odd.

I dont want to bother arguing about this feature anymore, you are in the position of solving it, but you are adamant it is our fault.


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