Edward Morgan/Elizabeth Waite (Betsy) Family (General)

by wamorgan ⌂ @, USA, Wednesday, January 09, 2008, 16:28 (6263 days ago)

Hi all,

There was a previous thread on this topic:


I was looking for information on Edward Morgan and Elizabeth (Betsy) Waite. I have since gotten their marriage certificate from the Forest of Dean Registrar. Unfortunately, it does not list a father's name for Edward. The certificate itself does not really provide any additional information to what we see in the index. It does confirm that Edward is a widower at the time of this marriage.

What should I try next to find out more about Edward? With such a common name, I'm not sure how to establish his parents or his previous wife.

I was going to try Rebecca, John, George, or Mary Ann from the 1861/1871 Census records to see if I could find a previous marriage (through their birth/baptismal), but I am struggling with that. I have not been able connect any together and they certainly could have been married elsewhere.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
Wendy Morgan

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