Edward Morgan/Elizabeth Waite (Betsy) Family (General)

by wamorgan ⌂ @, USA, Thursday, January 10, 2008, 03:55 (6262 days ago) @ 10noyrum

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your post.

I'm a little confused now at the possible connection with your line. I am still researching, so maybe you are just farther back than I am. I am currently "living" in the 1850's and 1860's trying to establish a previous wife to my Edward.

At this time, I have no evidence of an Emma at all, but again, I am not that far back. Edward seems to be born around 1822 - from the census and marriage certificate that I have.

It seems as though you see a little more of a connection than I do, so could you please provide a little more information on this part? I apologize for any reiteration - I've been focused on one piece of my puzzle and might have lost some of what you are trying to convey (can't see the forest through the trees kind of thing).


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