Edward Morgan/Elizabeth Waite (Betsy) Family (General)

by wamorgan ⌂ @, USA, Thursday, January 10, 2008, 16:44 (6262 days ago) @ 10noyrum

Hi Chris,

Thank you for the clarification. I really appreciate it. You see, in addition to all my ancestor hunting, I am working long hours at work, AND planning a wedding, which is in a few weeks. I feel like I am losing it these days!

I agree with your thoughts and I do not want to dismiss anything without investigation. It does seem that now Emma was not married to my Edward, but I am still keeping your information handy - you just never know where paths may cross.

I do appreciate all the information that you've sent and it is always welcome! In my quest for information on Edward, should I come up with any possibilities for you, I will certainly pass the information on to you.

I will also revisit the DNA conversation with my father.

Thanks again!


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