Beard family (General)

by pogle @, Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 14:04 (5681 days ago)


My mother's family name is Beard. I've been researching that side of the family and have been able to go back to Samual Beard (b1836 d 12/1/1916) married to Dinah Beard - maiden name unknown - who was born in Lydney (d 12/10/1917). They had 4 children, 2 borther survived beyond the age of 22. Charles edward, 1866 - 1942, buried in Lydney Church who was married to Hannah Jane Beard - maiden name unknown - 1865 - 1930 and also buried in lydney church. The other brother was Henry George Beard b 25/6/1876, married to May Beard. He owned \ managed the Collesium cinema in Cheltenham between 1919 and 1946. If anyone has any information I'd really appreciate it. I live in East Anglia so it's difficult to get to serach local archives in person and whilst the internet is a fantastic resource it has it's limitations.

thank very much.

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