Samuel BEARD 1836 Newerne (General)

by m p griffiths @, Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 15:26 (5681 days ago) @ pogle

1851 census, Stow on the Wold, District 6b Page 25

Dinah PULLUM, age 18, House Servant, born Cold Aston, Gloucestershire

Working for William MASON, a Malster.

Looking at the 1841 Census for Cold Aston : There is a

Henry PULLIN age 35
and Sarah PULLIN age 25

1841 Census, Aston Blank (Cold Aston) 0.02 miles between each place

John PULLIN age 55
Mary - age 50
Job - 14
John - 14
Dinah - 7
Jess - 6

1851 census, Aston Blank

John PULLEN age 69 Ag. Lab born Aston Blank
Mary age 6? - born Aston Blank
Job PULLEN - Age 28, Son, born Aston Blank
Jessey CASTLE - Grandson - age 3 born Aston Blank * IGI : Jesse PULLUM CASTLE, christened 23 April 1848, parents Charles & Ann CASTLE

Looks as if Mum Ann - had her hands full

1851 Census, Hawling, Glos

Charles CASTLE age 27, born Little Barrington
Ann CASTLE - 29, Cold Aston
Mary CASTLE - 8 - Cold Aston
John 6 - Cold Aston
Charles - 9 months - Cold Aston

Use web site


Click on A for Aston Blank

baptisms listed left, marriages listed right.

Click on the submit query button on the left (listed A-Z) useful to look all the way through as Surname spellings are different and you'll find the family groups. On my computer, Control + End Key, gets to the bottom of the page.

Dinah PULLAM christened 5 August 1832, parents John and Mary

Again on IGI

If you look at the Marriages in Aston Blank, there is a John PULLAM marrying a Mary GREENING, 29 JULY 1813

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